Five-Year Financial Sustainability Plan

Students work in the Atrium space outside of the library


The Five-Year Financial Sustainability Plan (2025-2029) takes a conservative approach to forecasting enrolment growth and revenue and reflects current enrolment data and trends. Any potential revenue gain from proposed growth initiatives (e.g. new academic programs) is considered “over and above” and is not included in the financial model forecasts.   

The plan is guided by the following principles:     

  • Alignment with the university’s strategic direction 
  • Evidence-based management  
  • Integration with Fiscal Year 2025 Budget Development Process   
  • Reallocation of existing budget or external funding sources  
  • Engagement and consultation with stakeholders; respectful of union relationships 


Plan ProjectionsBar graph showing annual revenues, expenses, deficits and surpluses from FY2025 to FY2029

This bar graph indicates that the university is projecting operating deficits for the first three years of the plan (Fiscal Years 2025, 2026, and 2027), with a return to surplus in Fiscal Years 2028 and 2029.  

Key Strategies 

  • Sustainable enrolment  
  • Maximizing academic resources  
  • Academic program growth and revitalization
  • Operational efficiencies, new revenue opportunities   
  • The $100 million fundraising campaign

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University Update: Five-Year Financial Sustainability Plan