Library Locations
Where To Find It In the Library
The following listings tell you where to find books and services by:
If you have any difficulty finding materials or services, library staff are happy to help.
What Will I Find on the Library's Ground Floor?
- Research Help Desk [ask questions]
- Circulation Desk [checkout counter]
- Assistive Technology Workstation
- Computer Access
- Document Delivery
- Elevator
- Express Printing
- Group Study Rooms (1-9)
- Library Instruction Room
- Microform Collection & Readers
- Newspapers & Popular Magazines
- Photocopiers & Printers
- Reading Lounge & New Books
- Reference Collection
- Research Databases
- Reserve Readings
- Scanners
- Washrooms
What Will I Find on the Library's Second Floor?
- Library Administration
- Group study room 10
- Library call numbers from A to PN
- Quiet Study Zone
- Washrooms
What Will I Find on the Library's Third Floor?
- University Archives & Special Collections
- Circulating periodicals shelved by title
- Library call numbers from PQ to ZA
- Oversized books, call numbers A to Z
- Quiet Study Zone
- Washrooms
Shelf locations - finding material by call number
- A General books, encyclopedias
- B-BJ Philosophy
- BF Psychology
- BL-BX Religion
- C Archaeology, archives
- D World History
- DA British history
- DC French history
- DD German history
- DE Greek history
- DF Roman history
- DG Italian history
- DK Russian and Eastern European history
- DS Asian history
- DT African history
- DU Oceania-Australia, New Zealand
- E American history
- F U.S. state histories; Latin American and Caribbean history
- FC Canadian history
- G Geography
- GB Physical geography
- GC Oceanography
- GN Anthropology
- GR-GT Folklore and social customs
- H Social science research
- HA Statistics
- HB-HC Economics
- HD-HF Commerce
- HG Finance and investment
- HM-HN Sociology
- HQ Gender and sex issues
- HT Urban studies
- HX Socialism
- J-JA Political science
- JC Political theory
- JF Political institutions
- JK American politics
- JL Canadian politics
- JN Everyone else's politics
- JQ Colonialism and immigration
- JX International relations and organizations
- K Law
- L Education
- M Music
- N Fine Art
- P Communications and linguistics
- PA Greek and Latin language and literature
- PA-PB Irish language and literature
- PC Romance Languages
- PE English Language
- PF German Language
- PK Asian language and literature
- PL-PM African language
- PN Literary forms [short stories, poetry]
- PQ French and francophone literature outside Canada
- PR English literature outside North America (to PR 3999)
- PR English literature (PR 4000 onward)
- PS North American Literature
- PT German and Nordic literature
- Q Science biography and general history
- QA Mathematics
- QB Astronomy
- QC Physics
- QD Chemistry
- QE Geology
- QH Biology
- QK Botany
- QL Zoology
- QM Human anatomy
- QP Physiology
- R Medicine
- RC Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
- RS Pharmacology
- S Agriculture, fisheries and forestry
- T Technology
- TA Engineering
- TD Environmental technology
- TK Internet and communications technology
- TP Chemical technology
- TR Photography
- U Military science
- V Naval and marine science
- Z Library science and bibliography
Subjects and Where to Find Them
- African history: DT Second floor
- African language: PL-PM Second floor
- Agriculture: S Third floor
- American history: E Second floor
- American politics: JK Second floor
- Anthropology: GN Second floor
- Archaeology: CC Second floor
- Archives: CD Second floor
- Asian history: DS Second floor
- Asian language and literature: PK Second floor
- Astronomy: QB Third floor
- Australia history: DU Second floor
- Biology: QH Third floor
- Botany: QK Third floor
- British history: DA Second floor
- Canadian history: FC Second floor
- Canadian politics: JL Second floor
- Caribbean history: F Second floor
- Chemical technology: TP Third floor
- Chemistry: QD Third floor
- Colonialism and immigration: JQ Second floor
- Commerce: HD-HF Second floor
- Communications: HE Second floor
- Communications (technology): TK Third floor
- Eastern European history: DK Second floor
- Economics: HC Second floor
- Education: L Second floor
- Encyclopedias: AE Second floor
- Engineering: T Third floor
- English language: PE Second floor
- English literature outside North America: PR Third floor
- Environmental Technology: TD Third floor
- Everyone else's politics: JN Second floor
- Finance: HG Second floor
- Fine art: N Second floor
- Fisheries: S Third floor
- Folklore and social customs: GR-GT Second floor
- Forestry: S Third floor
- Francophone literature outside Canada: PQ Third floor
- French history: DC Second floor
- French language: PC Second floor
- French literature: PQ Third floor
- Gender: HQ Second floor
- General books: A-AZ Second floor
- Geography: G Second floor
- Geology: QE Third floor
- German & Nordic literature: PT Third floor
- German history: DD Second floor
- German language: PF Second floor
- Greek history: DF Second floor
- Greek language & literature: PA Second floor
- Human anatomy: QM Third floor
- International organizations: JX Second floor
- International relations: JX Second floor
- Internet & communications technology: TK Third floor
- Investment: HG Second floor
- Irish language & literature: PB Second floor
- Italian history: DG Second floor
- Latin American history: F Second floor
- Latin language & literature: PA Second floor
- Law: K Second floor
- Library science & bibliography: Z Third floor
- Linguistics: P Second floor
- Literary forms [short stories, poetry]: PN Second floor
- Mathematics: QA Third floor
- Medicine: R Third floor
- Military science: U Third floor
- Music: M Second floor
- Naval & marine science: V Third floor
- New Zealand history: DU Second floor
- North American literature: PS Third floor
- Oceania: DU Second floor
- Oceanography: GC Second floor
- Pharmacology: RS Third floor
- Philosophy: B-BJ Second floor
- Photography: TR Third floor
- Physical geography: GB Second floor
- Physics: QC Third floor
- Physiology QP Third floor
- Political institutions: JF Second floor
- Political science: J Second floor
- Political theory: JC Second floor
- Psychiatry: RC Third floor
- Psychology: BF Second floor
- Psychotherapy: RC Third floor
- Religion: BL-BX Second floor
- Roman history: DG Second floor
- Romance languages: PC Second floor
- Russian history: DK Second floor
- Science biography & general history: Q Third floor
- Sex issues: HQ Second floor
- Social science research: H Second floor
- Socialism: HX Second floor
- Sociology: HM-HN Second floor
- Statistics: HA Second floor
- Technology: T Third floor
- U.S. state histories: F Second floor
- Urban studies: HT Second floor
- World history: D Second floor
- Zoology: QL Third floor
Contact us
Patrick Power Library
Mailing address:
Saint Mary's University
923 Robie Street
Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3H 3C3