News Postings

NASA’s Webb Reveals Distorted Galaxy Forming Cosmic Question Mark

The galaxy cluster MACS-J0417.5-1154 is so massive it is warping the fabric of space-time and distorting the appearance of galaxies behind it, an effect known as gravitational lensing. NASA, ESA, CSA, STScI, V. Estrada-Carpenter (Saint Mary's University).

The galaxy cluster MACS-J0417.5-1154 is so massive it is warping the fabric of space-time and distorting the appearance of galaxies behind it, an effect known as gravitational lensing. This natural phenomenon magnifies distant galaxies and can also make them appear in an image multiple times, as NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope saw here. Two distant, interacting galaxies — a face-on spiral and a dusty red galaxy seen from the side — appear multiple times, tracing a familiar shape across the sky. Active star formation, and the face-on galaxy’s remarkably intact spiral shape, indicate that these galaxies’ interaction is just beginning.
NASA, ESA, CSA, STScI, V. Estrada-Carpenter (Saint Mary's University).
Link to full story at NASA:

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