Accounting & Finance Career Fair

The Accounting & Finance Career Fair on Friday, September 13th, 2024 from 9:00am - 12:00 pm, is a prime opportunity for employers to engage with 200+ students who have an interest in working in the accounting and/or finance fields.
Our students come from a variety of educational backgrounds, both at the undergraduate and graduate level and have the potential to make a real difference in your organization.
Organizations who will participate in the fair as exhibitors are also invited to attend our Networking Reception, on Thursday, September 12th, 2024, from 5:30pm - 7:30pm. This is a wonderful opportunities for employers and students/recent graduates to meet, chat, and make meaningful connections.
To confirm your partnership, please contact or call 902.422.1886 for more information.
Exhibitor registration now open!
Sponsorship Information
- One complimentary registration package, including: one booth and two tickets to the Wine & Cheese Networking Reception
- Name recognition as presenting partner of the Wine & Cheese Networking Reception
- Six additional tickets to the Wine & Cheese Networking Reception
- Premium booth located near main entrance to the Career Fair
- Opportunity to speak from the stage at the Wine & Cheese Networking Reception
- Recognition from the stage at the Wine & Cheese Networking Reception
- Opportunity to display up to two pull up banners during the Wine & Cheese Networking Reception and Career Fair
- Logo branding on all marketing and promotional materials.
- Opportunity to provide one piece of collateral to attendees of the Career Fair
- Opportunity to provide video to be promoted on the event website and social media accounts
- Should you decide to host your own in-person or virtual info session within two weeks pre- or post-fair, we will promote your session to all registered student-attendees
- One complimentary registration package, including: one booth and two tickets to the Wine & Cheese Networking Reception
- Four additional tickets to the Wine & Cheese Networking Reception
- Premium booth located near main entrance to the Career Fair
- Recognition from the stage at the Wine & Cheese Networking Reception
- Opportunity to display one pull up banner during the Career Fair
- Logo branding on marketing and promotional materials including: event guide and event website
- Opportunity to provide video to be promoted on the event website
- Should you decide to host your own virtual info session within two weeks pre- or post-fair, we will promote your session to all registered student-attendees
- One complimentary registration package, including: one booth and two tickets to the Wine & Cheese Networking Reception
- Two additional tickets to the Wine & Cheese Networking Reception
- Advance selection of booth location at the Career Fair
- Recognition from the stage at the Wine & Cheese Networking Reception
- Logo branding on event website
- Should you decide to host your own virtual info session within two weeks pre- or post-fair, we will promote your session to all registered student-attendees
Exhibitor Information
Included in your Fair registration are tickets to the Networking Reception, Thursday, September 12th, 5:30 - 7:30 pm, providing employers a wonderful opportunity to engage with students and recent graduates. Join us for this great opportunity to connect with your next best hire!
Exhibitor Registration will be open in late June 2024.
Exhibitor Booth: $499.00 plus tax
Cancellations received after August 25th will be charged an administrative fee of $50. If you are unable to attend but wish to transfer your registration, please send us the name and email of the person who will be attending in your place.
If you wish to make changes to your registration, please call 902.422.1886 or email
Student Registration
Click here for Student Registration
Name tags will be prepared in advance for the Networking Reception
Prepare for the Fair
Tuesday, September 10 - 4:00 – 5:00pm
Be prepared for the Accounting & Finance Career Fair by attending this virtual webinar with a Career & Employment Coach.
- What to do in advance of the fair to be ready
- What to expect at the fair
- What to say at the fair
- How to create an elevator pitch
Register to receive video link: