Co-op Employers FAQ

Frequent Questions from our employer community

Welcome to our Co-op Employer Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page, where you can find answers to common queries and gain valuable insights into our co-op program for employers.

Frequently Asked Questions

At Saint Mary’s Co-operative Education is an optional program. Undergraduate students (Commerce, Science, and Arts) must meet and maintain certain GPA requirements and must also have a minimum of 60 credit hours completed before beginning their first work term. Those Master of Science in Applied Science students whose major is listed below are eligible for Co-op provided they meet and maintain their own program’s academic requirements.

Co-op work terms should provide a solid business exposure, related as closely as possible to the student's major. Employers are responsible for providing a paid employment, full time hours (at least 32.5 per week) for a minimum of 12-16 weeks. To ensure success of the program, a midpoint evaluation with the employer and student once during the work term is required.

Yes, you can hire an International student and there are no special requirements to do so. International students are required to apply for a work permit through Citizenship and Immigration and the work permit allows International Co-op Students to work off campus in Co-op approved positions.

The Co-operative Education department will assist International students with this process and students are required to have a work permit prior to going out on work terms. International students are also required to have a Social Insurance Number (SIN). Employers may also wish to contact their Human Resources department or hiring managers to review company policies and procedures on hiring International students.

There are many benefits of hiring a Co-op student. Students are available year round and can provide solutions to short term staffing needs. Students are energetic and eager to learn and will bring creative fresh new ideas to the workplace.

Companies can also use the Co-op Program as a recruitment tool to pre-screen future employees. In addition to the above mentioned benefits that any co-op student offers to the workplace, International students can enrich the workplace by providing staff with an opportunity to learn about another culture, they may have other language skills an employer may find useful and like their domestic peers they are eager to make positive contributions.

The Co-operative Education program is a method of learning where students can apply what they have learned in the classroom to real world situations. The Co-op Program is a great opportunity for students to learn and gain hands on work experience from a mentor within your organization.

Students can ask questions and gain knowledge from mentors. As well, mid-way through the work term, a member of our Co-op team will contact you to set up a midpoint evaluation to discuss the student's responsibilities and progress. We also meet with the student to discuss their progress and accomplishments. If you have any questions or comments about the student or the Co-operative Education program at any time, you can contact any member of our team at

Students will already have their Work Permit and a social insurance number prior to being hired. Additionally, employers are required to fill out a Cooperative Education agreement, which will be sent to you by either your coop student or our office. The only paperwork that is required is the necessary paperwork for your organization.