How to Propose a Field Course
Please note: International field course proposals should be submitted 18 months prior to the date of the trip and a domestic field course proposal should be submitted 6 months prior to the date of the trip.
When you log into the Topic Request Management module, click Propose New Topic Course.
- Complete the required fields under Field Course Proposal section only.
- Once the proposal has been submitted, an email will be sent to the first step in the process.
Workflow Steps/Roles
- Field Course Monitor – Checks on Workflow steps and updates if necessary
- Department Chair/Program Coordinator
- Faculty – Arts/Science/Sobey School of Business/FGSR
- HR Office/International Mobility
- Service Centre
- Enrollment Services
- Registrar
- Proposer Name – Added manually to complete Post Trip section
- Registrar Post Trip
FYI emails are sent to Risk & Insurance Services and Science Safety Advisor (if Science Proposal).