How To Use the Course Inventory Management Module

If you have both course and program proposals to submit, it is recommended that you submit all course proposals prior to submitting program proposals.

How to find your course



  • In the search field located on the top left of the CIM window type the course code, a space and course number (E.g. ENGL 1205) and click the Search button to bring up the course.
  • To perform a wildcard search, enter an asterisk (*) before or after your text and click Search. Eg: ENGL* will bring up multiple courses containing the text ENGL.
  • The Quick Searches drop down menu allows you to search by UndergraduateGraduate, EditedNewDeactivated or by All courses.
  • Courses can also be sorted by clicking the headings Course Code, Title, Workflow or Status.  You can then scroll down and select a course from the list.

Viewing a course


  • The Course Ecosystem allows you to see courses and programs that would be affected if a proposal is made for the course you are viewing
  • Track changes with red/green markup
  • Last approved and last edited dates provided
  • Workflow status can be viewed if applicable
  • Deleted courses can be viewed but no further action can be taken
  • Past proposals are archived under History
  • Reviewer comments

Propose a new course

  • Click the Propose New Course button to bring up the new course proposal template. Complete all the required fields. Help bubbles are located as a guide for completing certain fields.
  • Faculty members proposing a new course(s) are encouraged to provide a list of suggested resources to support the new course. Once the new course proposal is submitted, the Librarian will receive an email notification and start the Library's assessment process. The Library Review assessment will be uploaded to the the course proposal once completed.
  • New Course TemplateNew Course template

Edit a course

  • Bring up the course you wish to edit. 
  • Click the Edit Course button.  This will prompt the Edit Course template to appear.  The fields will be pre-populated with data. 

Archive/Inactivate a course

  • Select the course that you wish to archive or inactivate (Courseleaf term is “inactivate”) from the results window.
  • Select inactivate from the CIM window.  The course inactivate template will populate.

  • Complete the template as required. Please indicate wether the course will be retired and never used again or archived and is only temporarily not being offered and can be brought back. ***We will require this information in order to code Banner appropriately.
  • Once the template is completed, select one of the following options:

    • Cancel to not save any changes.
    • Start Workflow to submit the proposal.

    Note: there is not a “save” option for course deletion/inactivation if you are not an Administrator.  The proposal to delete is either cancelled upon exiting, or submitted to the next approver. 

Reactivate an Archived Course

  • Select the course you wish to reactivate. If you can't find the course listed please contact
  • Select Reactivate from the CIM window.  The course form will populate.

Contact us

Courseleaf Support
Shelley Clarke-Raftus