
Andrew MacRae
Assistant Professor
Ph.D., (1998) University of Calgary
Phone: (902) 491 8657
Office: S412
Email: andrew.macrae@smu.ca
Research Interests:
- Paleontology; sequence stratigraphy; sedimentology
- Early Cretaceous palynology and sedimentology
- Canadian Arctic and offshore Eastern Canada
- Sequence and seismic stratigraphy of the Upper Cretaceous and Cenozoic of the Scotian Shelf and Slope
- Fossil dinoflagellate taxonomy
- Ichnology
Additional Research Interests:
Early Cretaceous palynology, sedimentology and sequence stratigraphy of the Canadian Arctic; Upper Cretaceous and Cenozoic paleontology, ichnology, sequence stratigraphy and seismic stratigraphy of the Scotian Shelf and Slope, Eastern Canada; Fossil dinoflagellate taxonomy.
Teaching Courses:
- GEOL 1200: Understanding the Earth
- GEOL 1201: The Dynamic Earth
- GEOL 1210: Dinosaurs and Their World
- GEOL 3323: Palaeontology: The History of Life
- GEOL 4414: Tectonics
- GEOL 4423: Advanced Palaeontology
- GEOL 4466: Petroleum Geology
Refereed Publications (2005-06):
Fensome, R.A.; Williams, G.L. and MacRae, R.A., submitted. Late Cretaceous and Cenozoic fossil dinoflagellates and other palynomorphs from the Scotian Margin, offshore Eastern Canada. Submitted to Systematic Palaeontology.
Jutras, P., MacRae, A. and Utting, J., submitted. Viséan tectonostratigraphy and basin architecture beneath the Pennsylvanian New Brunswick Platform of eastern Canada. Submitted to the Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology.
Weir-Murphy, S.; MacRae, R.A. and Pe-Piper, G., in revision. A probable dinosaur bone from the Cretaceous upper Logan Canyon Formation, Orpheus graben, offshore Nova Scotia. Submitted to Atlantic Geology. Currently being revised after editorial comments.
Ings, S.J.; MacRae, R.A.; Shimeld, J.W. and Pe-Piper, G., in press. Diagenesis and porosity reduction in the Upper Cretaceous Wyandot Formation, Offshore Nova Scotia: A comparison with Norwegian North Sea Chalks. Bulletin of Canadian Society of Petroleum Geology.
Jutras, P., MacRae, R.A., Owen, J.V., Dostal, J., Préda, M. and Prichonnet, G., 2006. Evidence for carbonate melting and peperite formation at the intrusive contact between large mafic dykes and clastic sediments of the Upper Paleozoic Saint-Jules Formation, New-Carlisle, Quebec. Geological Journal, v.41, p.23-48.
Hall, R.L.; MacRae, R.A. and Hills, L.V., 2005. Middle Albian (Lower Cretaceous) gastroplitinid ammonites and palynomorphs from the Christopher Formation ( Dragon Mountain, Axel Heiberg Island, Canadian Arctic Islands ) and a revision of the genus Pseudogastroplites Jeletzky. Journal of Paleontology, v.79, p.219-241.
Shimeld, J.W.; MacRae, R.A.; Moir, P.N.; Fowler, M.G. and Stasiuk, L.D., 2005. Heavy oil in the Jeanne d'Arc Basin and implications for exploration risk. Hiscott, R.N. and Pulham, A.J. (eds.), Petroleum Resources and Reservoirs of the Grand Banks, Eastern Canadian Margin. Geological Association of Canada, Special Paper 43, p.93-108.
Non-refereed publications (2005-06):
Melchin, M.J. and MacRae, R.A., 2005. The stratigraphy and paleontology of the Ordovician-Silurian Arisaig Group, Nova Scotia. North American Paleontology Convention 2005, Halifax, Nova Scotia, 33p.
Spooner, I.; MacRae, R.A.; Van Proosdij, D. and Yeo, G., 2005. Field Trip Guide: The macrotidal environment of the Minas Basin, Nova Scotia : Sedimentology, morphology, and human impact. Geological Association of Canada-Mineralogical Association of Canada Annual Joint Meeting 2005, Halifax, NS., 35p.
Seminars and abstracts (2005-06):
Fensome, R.A. and MacRae, R.A., 2005. Worth a thousand words: photographing geological for general audiences. Geological Association of Canada-Mineralogical Association of Canada Annual Joint Meeting 2005, Halifax, NS.
Fensome, R.A.; Pennanen, J.; Fedak, T.; MacRae, R.A.; Olsen, P.; Wade, J. Fedak, T; Williams, G.; Adams, K.; Bates, J.; Brown, D.; Falcon-Lang, H.; Goodwin, K.; Miller, R.; Pe-Piper, G.; Skilliter, D., 2006. Dionsaurs, deserts and volcanoes: the creation of a series of paintings depicting scenes from the Mesozoic Fundy Basin of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. Atlantic Geoscience Society Annual Colloquium, Wolfville, NS.
Fiorini, F.; Fensome, R.A.; MacRae, R.A.; Scott, D.B.; Thomas, F.; Wach, G.D., 2005. Cretaceous to Pleistocene benthic foraminifera from Grand Banks Corehole 23. North American Paleontology Convention 2005, Halifax, Nova Scotia.
LaPierre, B. and MacRae, R.A., 2006. Upper Cretaceous-Cenozoic salt movement in the Abenaki Subbasin, offshore Nova Scotia. Atlantic Geoscience Society Annual Colloquium, Wolfville, NS. (Poster)
MacRae, R.A. and Hills, L.V., 2006. Biostratigraphic constraints on the Cretaceous Strand Fiord Formation flood basalts, central Sverdrup Basin, Canadian Arctic. Atlantic Geoscience Society Annual Colloquium, Wolfville, NS.
Skilliter, D.M.; Williams, G.L.; Fensome, R.A.; Guerstein, G.R.; MacRae, R.A.; Wach, G., 2005. Preliminary results of a biostratigraphic study of Cenozoic strata of the Grand Banks, Newfoundland. North American Paleontology Convention 2005, Halifax, Nova Scotia.
Weir-Murphy, S., Pe-Piper, G., MacRae, R.A. and Piper, D.J.W., 2005. Cretaceous rocks of Orpheus Graben, offshore Nova Scotia, deposited in a strike-slip basin. Geological Association of Canada-Mineralogical Association of Canada Annual Joint Meeting 2005, Halifax, NS.
Fensome, R.A.; Crux, J.; Gard, G.; Williams, G.L; MacRae, R.A.; Thomas, F.C.; Fiorini, F. and Wach, G., 2006. Late Cretaceous-Cenozoic biostratigraphic control on the Scotian Margin: an eventful story. Atlantic Geoscience Society Annual Colloquium, Wolfville, NS.