
Erin Adlakha
Associate Professor, Chair
Ph.D., (2016) University of Ottawa, P.Geo.
Phone: (902) 491 6582
Office: S418
Email: erin.adlakha@smu.ca
Research Interests:
New applications of accessory mineral chemistry (e.g., apatite, tourmaline, rutile) to resolve uncertainties regarding the processes and conditions under which hydrothermal ore deposits form. // Characterization of mineral assemblages and mineral chemistry in ore and barren hydrothermal environments with a focus in understanding the factors that control accessory mineral chemistry. // Chemical signatures of accessory minerals in hydrothermal ore deposits including the abundances and distribution of trace elements such as REE and ore metals in single crystals. // The retention of accessory mineral chemical signatures during secondary processes such as weathering and hydrothermal alteration. // Currently, my students and I are working on field-based, multi-analytical (EPMA, SEM, LA-ICP-MS, fluid and melt inclusions, CL) mineralogical studies on hydrothermal ore environments, including: i) Apatite as a petrogenetic indicator in W skarn deposits of the Canadian Cordillera, ii) Metasediment hosted Co-Ni polymetallic vein occurrences of Nova Scotia, and iii) Classification and genetic modelling of U vein occurrences associated with the Nonacho Basin, NWT Canada.
Additional Research Interests:
- Controls on mineral chemistry
- Paragenesis of hydrothermal ore deposits
- Uranium deposits
- Trace elements in minerals
- Metasomatism
- Hydrothermal alteration
- X-Ray fluorescence
Teaching Courses:
- GEOL 2301: Mineralogy
- GEOL 2302: Optical and Analytical Mineralogy
Scholarly Contributions:
Journal Articles
Owen, J.V., Adlakha, E., Carter, D. (2023) Crawling glazes on mid-century modern Maritime Canadian studio pottery: shared or re-created? Material Culture Review. Accepted. [IF = 1.2]
Zhiquan Li, Kurt O. Konhauser, Yongzhang Zhou, Erin Adlakha, Mark Button, Cody Lazowski, Ernesto Pecoits, Natalie R. Aubet, Pilar Lecumberri-Sanchez, Daniel S. Alessi, and Leslie J. Robbins (2023). How does weathering influence geochemical proxies in Paleoproterozoic banded iron formations? A case study from outcrop samples of the 2.46 Ga banded iron formation, Hamersley Basin, Western Australia. GSA Bulletin. Accepted. [IF = 4.9]
Landry, K., Adlakha, E., Roy-Garand, A., Terekhova, A., Hanley, J., Falck, H., & Martel, E. (2022). Uranium Mineralization in the MacInnis Lake Area, Nonacho Basin, Northwest Territories: Potential Linkages to Metasomatic Iron Alkali-Calcic Systems. Minerals, 12(12), 1609. [IF = 2.5]
Adlakha, E., & Hattori, K. (2021). Thermotectonic events recorded by U-Pb geochronology and Zr-in-rutile thermometry of Ti oxides in basement rocks along the P2 fault, eastern Athabasca Basin, Saskatchewan, Canada. GSA Bulletin. [Impact Factor: 4.66]
Adlakha, E. E., Hattori, K., Kerr, M., & Boucher, B. (2020). The origin of Ti-oxide minerals below and within the eastern Athabasca Basin, Canada. American Mineralogist. In press. 10.2138/am-2020-7235 [Impact Factor: 2.63]
Adlakha E, Hanley J, Falck H, Boucher B. "The origin of mineralizing hydrothermal fluids recorded in apatite chemistry at the Cantung W-Cu skarn deposit, NWT, Canada. ", European Journal of Mineralogy (Fall - 2018)
Adlakha E., Hattori K., Davis W., Boucher B.. "Characterizing fluids associated with the McArthur River U deposit, Canada, based on tourmaline trace element and stable (B, H) isotope compositions.", Chemical Geology 466 (Fall - 2017), 417-435
Adlakha E, Hattori K. "Paragenesis and composition of tourmaline species along the P2 fault and McArthur River uranium deposit, Athabasca Basin, Canada.", The Canadian Mineralogist 54 (Spring - 2016), 667-679
Adlakha E, Hattori K. "Compositional variation and timing of aluminum phosphate-sulfate minerals in the basement rocks along the P2 fault and in association with the McArthur River uranium deposit, Athabasca Basin, Saskatchewan, Canada.", American Mineralogist 100:1386-1399 (Summer - 2015)
Welt Naomi, Adlakha Erin, Hanley Jacob, Kerr Mitchell, Baldwin Geoff, McNeil Natalie. "Characterization of Co-Ni-bearing polymetallic vein occurrences of the Meguma Terrane, Nova Scotia", AGS Colloquium (Winter - 2020)
Adlakha Erin, McNeil Natalie, Kennedy Nicole, Welt Naomi, Hanley Jacob, Kerr Mitchell, Baldwin Geoff. "The Au-bearing, polymetallic (Co-Ni-As-Au±Ag,Bi), Nictaux Falls Dam Occurrence of the Meguma Terrane, Nova Scotia", AGS Colloquium (Winter - 2020)
Elongo V, Legros H, Lecumberri-Sanchez P, Falck H, Adlakha E. "Origin of mineralizing fluids at the Cantung and Mactung skarn-hosted tungsten deposits, Yukon-NWT", GAC-MAC-IAH Joint Assembly (Spring - 2019)
Kennedy N, McNeil N, Adlakha E, Hanley J, Baldwin G, Wightman J. "Fluid inclusion systematics of the polymetallic (Co-Ni-As-Au) veins of Nictaux Falls Dam occurrence, Annapolis Valley, Nova Scotia", GAC-MAC-IAH Joint Assembley (Spring - 2019)
Legros H, Elongos V, Lecumberri-Sanchez P, Falck H, Adlakha E. "Evolution of mineralizing fluids at the Cantung W-Cu skarn deposit, Northwest Territories, Canada", GAC-MAC-IAH Joint Assembley (Spring - 2019)
McNeil N, Kennedy N, Adlakha E, Kerr M, Baldwin G, Wightman J. "The mineralogy, paragenesis, and petrogenesis of the Co-Ni-As-Au occurrence in the Annapolis Valley, Nova Scotia", GAC-MAC-IAH Joint Assembley (Spring - 2019)
Wagner A, Adlakha E, Hanley J, Falck H, Lecumberri-Sanchez P, Neyedley K. "Characterization of apatite hosted silicate melt inclusions in magmatic rocks associated with the Cantung (W-Cu) skarn deposit, Northwest Territories", GAC-MAC-IAH Joint Assembley (Spring - 2019)
Adlakha E, Hattori K, Kerr M, Boucher B. "The occurrence and chemistry of Ti-oxide phases and their timing of crystallization along the P2 fault, Athabasca Basin, Saskatchewan, Canada", GAC-MAC-IAH Joint Assembley (Spring - 2019)
Roy-Garand A, Adlakha-Kerr E, Hanley J, Falck H, Lecumberri-Sanchez P. "Characterization of apatite within the Mactung W (Cu,Au) skarn deposit, Northwest Territories: implication for the evolution of skarn fluids", GAC-MAC-IAH Joint Assembley (Spring - 2019)
Adlakha E, Kennedy N, McNeil N, Hanley J, Baldwin G. "Fluid Inclusion Systematics and Mineralogy of the Unique Nictaux Falls Dam Co-Ni-As-Au (±Ag,Bi) Occurrence, Meguma Terrane, Nova Scotia, Canada", ECROFI (Summer - 2019)
Adlakha E, Wagner A, Hanley J, Neyedley K, Falck H, Lecumberri-Sanchez P. "Characterization of Melt Inclusions from the Mine Stock Pluton of the World-Class Cantung W (Cu,Au,Bi) Skarn Deposit, Canadian Cordillera ", ECROFI (Summer - 2019)
McNeil N, Kennedy N, Adlakha E, Kerr M, Baldwin G, Wightman J. "The mineralogy, paragenesis, and petrogenesis of the polymetallic (Co-Ni-Au-Ag-Bi) veins of the Nictaux Falls Dam Occurrence, Annapolis Valley, Nova Scotia", AGS Colloquium (Winter - 2019)
Kennedy N, McNeil N, Adlakha E, Kerr M, Hanley J, Baldwin G, Wightman J. "Fluid inclusion systematics of the polymetallic (Co-Ni-As-Au) veins of Nictaux Falls Dam Occurrence, Annapolis Valley, Nova Scotia", AGS Colloquium (Winter - 2019)
Martel Edith, Ben Neil, Rebecca Canam, Adlakha Erin, Hendrik Falck, Alessandro Ielpi. "Overview of current geological investigations of western margin of the Rae craton, Nonacho Lake area (NTS 75F), NWT", Yellowknife Geoscience Forum (Fall - 2019)
Adlakha E, Landry K, Terekhova A, Hanley J, Falck H, Martell E. "Hydrothermal History and Metallogeny of the Nonacho Basin", Yellowknife Geoscience Forum (Fall - 2019)
Gomez Garcia Gabriel, Wagner Andrew, Adlakha Erin, Hanley Jacob, Lecumberri-Sanchez Pilar, Falck Hendrik. "Melt and fluid inclusion systematics of the Cantung W (Cu,Au) skarn deposit, NWT, Canada: modeling W enrichment and fluid composition in the adjacent Mine Stock intrusion", Yellowknife Geoscience Forum (Fall - 2019)
Gomez Garcias G, Wagner A, Adlakha E, Hanley J, Lecumberri-Sanchez P, Falck H. "Melt and fluid inclusion systematics of the Cantung W (Cu,Au) skarn deposit, NWT, Canada: modeling W enrichment and fluid composition in the adjacent Mine Stock intrusion", Atlantic Universities Geoscience Conference (Fall - 2019)
Roy-Garand Andree, Adlakha Erin, Hanley Jacob, Lecumberri-Sanchez Pilar, Falck Hendrik. "Characterization of apatite within the Mactung W (Cu,Au) skarn deposit, Northwest Territories: implication for the evolution of skarn fluids", Yellowknife Geoscience Forum (Fall - 2019)
Roy-Garand A, Adlakha E, Hanley J, Lecumberri-Sanchez P, Falck H. "Characterization of apatite within the Mactung W (Cu,Au) skarn deposit, Northwest Territories: implication for the evolution of skarn fluids", Atlantic Universities Geoscience Conferences (Fall - 2019)
Wagner Andrew, Adlakha Erin, Neyedley Kevin, Hanley Jacob, Lecumberri-Sanchez Pilar, Falck Hendrik. "Characterization of apatite-hosted silicate melt inclusions in magmatic rocks associated with the Cantung (W-Cu-Au) skarn deposit, Northwest Territories.", Yellowknife Geoscience Forum (Fall - 2019)
Wagner A, Adlakha E, Neyedley K, Hanley J, Falck H, Lecumberri-Sanchez P. "Characterization of apatite-hosted silicate melt inclusions in magmatic rocks associated with the Cantung (W-Cu-Au) skarn deposit, Northwest Territories.", Atlantic Universities Geoscience Conference (Fall - 2019)
Landry Kerstin, Terekhova Anna, Adlakha Erin, Hanley Jacob, Falck Hendrik, Martel Edith. "Characterization of Uranium Mineralization in the Nonacho Basin, Northwest Territories", Yellowknife Geoscience Forum (Fall - 2019)
Terekhova Anna, Landry Kerstin, Hanley Jacob, Adlakha Erin, Falck Hendrik, Martel Edith. "Classification of Hydrothermal Cu-Pb-Zn-Ag Mineralization in the Nonacho Basin, Northwest Territories", Yellowknife Geoscience Forum (Fall - 2019)
Elongo V, Lecumberri-Sanchez P, Legros H, Falck H, Adlakha E. "Skarn mineral chemistry and implications for high-grade tungsten mineralization in the Canadian Cordillera", Yellowknife Geoscience Forum (Fall - 2019)
Legros Helene, Lecumberri-Sanchez Pilar, Elongo Vanessa, Falck Hendrik, Adlakha Erin. "Is there a relation between tungsten deposit fertility and boron-rich melts?", Yellowknife Geoscience Forum (Fall - 2019)
McNeil N, Kennedy N, Adlakha E, Hanley J, Kerr M, Baldwin G. "The mineralogy, petrography, and paragenesis of the polymetallic (Co-Ni-As-Au) veins of the Nictaux Falls Dam occurrence, Annapolis Valley, Nova Scotia", Atlantic Universities Geoscience Conference (Fall - 2019)
Parsons R, Welt N, Adlakha E, Baldwin G. "Petrography of mafic rocks associated with polymetallic (Co-Ni-Au-As-Ag-Pb-Sb-Bi) mineralization in the Meguma Terrane, Nova Scotia", Atlantic Universities Geoscience Conference (Fall - 2019)
Adlakha E, Hanley J, Falck H. "Evidence for mafic-magma derived hydrothermal fluids in rare earth element signatures & melt inclusions of magmatic and hydrothermal apatite from the Cantung W-Cu, Skarn Deposit. ", Yellowknife Geoscience Form (Fall - 2017)
Adlakha Erin, Hanley Jacob, Falck Hendrik. "An investigation of apatite as an indicator mineral that recorded hydrothermal fluid chemistry at the Cantung tungsten skarn deposit, NWT, Canada", Geological Association of Canada - Mineralogical Association of Canada Joint Annual Meeting (Spring - 2017)
Adlakha E, Hattori K. "Mineralogical signatures of fertile basement faults in the Athabasca Basin: Implications for the nature of ore fluids and exploration of unconformity-type uranium deposits. ", AGS Speaker Tour (Fall - 2016)
Adlakha E, Hattori K, Zaluski G, Kotzer T, Potter E. "Fluid evolution recorded in the composition of tourmaline and aluminum sulfate-phosphate minerals along the P2 fault and McArthur River uranium deposit, Saskatchewan. ", Minerals Colloquium (Winter - 2015)
Adlakha E, Hattori K, Zaluski G, Kotzer T, Potter E. "Fluid Evolution Recorded in the composition of Tourmaline and Aluminum Sulfate-Phosphate Minerals along the P2 Fault and McArthur River Uranium Deposit, Saskatchewan.", AGU-GAC-MAC-CGU Joint Assembly (Spring - 2015)
Adlakha E, Hattori K, Zaluski G, Kotzer T, Potter E. "Evidence for uraniferous fluids in aluminophosphate-sulfate (APS) minerals and magnesiofoitite along the P2 structure and the McArthur River deposit, Athabasca Basin.", Minerals Colloquium (Winter - 2014)
Adlakha E, Hattori K, Zaluski G, Kotzer T, Potter E. "The characterization of aluminum phosphate sulfate minerals along the P2 reverse fault, Athabasca Basin: implication for ore-bearing fluids of the McArthur River deposit.", Saskatchewan Geological Open House (Fall - 2014)
Adlakha E, Hattori K. "Tourmaline in the metasedimentary country rocks of the McArthur River uranium deposit, Saskatchewan", GAC-MAC Joint Annual Meeting (Spring - 2014)
Adlakha E, Hattori K, Zaluski G, Kotzer T, Potter E. "Unraveling the alteration history of basement rocks along the P2 Fault Zone and that host the McArthur River uranium deposit.", Saskatchewan Geological Open House (Fall - 2013)
Adlakha Erin, Hattori Keiko, POtter Eric, Sopuck Vlad. "The paragenesis & chemistry of alteration associated with the P2 fault in the basement rocks of the Athabasca Basin. ", Minerals Colloquium (Winter - 2013)
Adlakha, E. (2023) Using bench-top micro-XRF to characterize alteration systematics and critical mineral potential of Metasomatic Iron Alkali Calcic systems along the Cobequid-Chedabucto Fault Zone, Nova Scotia. AGS Colloquium Invited Talk
Roy-Garand A., Landry K., Adlakha E., Hanley J., Falck H., Martel E.. (2022) Origin and alteration systematics of Fe-Oxide mineralization in the Nonacho Basin, NWT. Yellowknife Geoscience Forum.
Gomez Garcia G., Wagner A., Adlakha E., Hanley J.J., Lecumberri-Sanchez P., Rasmussen K.L., Falck H., Grondahl C. (2022) An evaluation of magmatic processes responsible for tungsten enrichment in the Canadian Tungsten Belt: Evidence in melt inclusions of granitoids associated with the Cantung W-Cu deposit. Yellowknife Geoscience Forum.
Zhiquan Li, Kurt O. Konhauser, Yongzhang Zhou, Erin Adlakha, Mark Button, Cody Lazowski, Ernesto Pecoits, Natalie R. Aubet, Pilar Lecumberri-Sanchez, Daniel S. Alessi, and Leslie J.
Robbins (2023). How does weathering influence geochemical proxies in Paleoproterozoic banded iron formations? A case study from outcrop samples of the 2.46 Ga banded iron formation, Hamersley Basin, Western Australia. GAC-MAC 2023 Sudbury, Ontario.
Adlakha E, Hattori K, Zaluski G, Kotzer T, Potter E. "Mineralogy of a fertile fluid conduit related to unconformity-type uranium deposits in the Athabasca Basin, Saskatchewan. ", Presentations of the 2014 TGI-4 Unconformity-Related Uranium Workshop (2014 - 2015)
Adlakha E, Hattori K, Zaluski G, Kotzer T, Potter E. "Ore fluids recorded in the compositions of magnesiofoitite and alumino-phosphate-sulfate (APS) minerals in the basement along the P2 structure and the McArthur River deposit, Athabasca Basin.", GAC-MAC Joint Annual Meeting (2014 - 2014)
Adlakha E, Hattori K, Potter E. "The paragenesis & chemistry of alteration minerals within the basement rocks associated with the P2 fault & the McArthur River uranium deposit, Athabasca Basin", 12th Biennial SGA Meeting (2013 - 2013)
Adlakha E, Hattori K, Potter E. "Fluid evolution recorded by alteration minerals along the P2 reverse fault and associated with the McArthur River U-deposit. ", Goldschmidt Conference (2013 - 2013)
Non-Academic Work Experience:
2017 - 2017, Project Geologist, Triumph Gold Coorporation
2011 - Present, Society of Economic Geologists
2010 - Present, Geological Association of Canada
2010 - Present, Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada
2010 - Present, Mineralogical Association of Canada
Professional or Disciplinary:
Session Chair - Fluid and Rock Interaction, GAC-MAC-IAH Conference 2019 Quebec City 2018/03 - 2018/03
Associate Editor, Canadian Journal of Earth Science 2017/02 - Present
Community Outreach, 2019/01 - Present