
Shawna White
Assistant Professor
Ph.D., (2018) University of Alberta
Office: S400A
Email: shawna.white@smu.ca
Shawna White is an Assistant Professor in the Geology Department at Saint Mary’s University in Halifax. Shawna completed her PhD at the University of Alberta in 2018 working on Northern Appalachian geology. That same year she moved on to Laurentian University and began working as a postdoctoral fellow. There she worked largely on Archean greenstone belt structure and stratigraphy in Northern Ontario. In 2020 she began a faculty position at SUNY Oneonta in New York State before finally landing in Halifax in 2021. Shawna's current research program uses a multidisciplinary approach, combining field methods of mapping and stratigraphy with geochronology and geophysical interpretation, in order to understand the role of structural inheritance and fault reactivation at the deformation front of the Northern Appalachians.
Additional Research Interests:
Structural geology and tectonics, basin evolution, orogenic processes, and geochronology. Evolution of the Appalachian Orogen and eastern Laurentian margin, structural inheritance in orogenic belts, fault reactivation, and statistical approaches to understanding “big” geological data.
Teaching Courses:
- GEOL 2305: Geophysics
- GEOL 3300: Field Methods
- GEOL 3313: Metamorphic Petrology
- GEOL 3413: Structural Geology