Rock List

Site 6: Muscovite-biotite schist and granite

Site 6

Age: Schist - Late Cambrian – Early Ordovician (metamorphosed during Devonian); Granite – Late Devonian

Geological Unit(s): Schist - Halifax Group, Meguma Supergroup; Granite – South Mountain Batholith intrusives

Description: This rock (schist) is similar to the rock at Site 5 with respect to its metamorphic grade and mineralogy. This is a particularly interesting rock as it displays granite intruding into, and crosscutting, the schist country rock. The schist is a metamorphic rock containing the mica minerals muscovite and biotite, and represents the ‘country rock’ that was subsequently intruded by a granitic magma (the term ‘country rock’ refers to the older rock that acts as a host to the younger igneous intrusive units). The granitic magma that intruded into the schist crystalized to form solid granite (an igneous rock) that is dominated by the minerals quartz, feldspars (plagioclase and K-feldspar), biotite, muscovite, with lesser amounts of other ‘minor’ mineral phases.

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