International Admissions

Walking students pass the Saint Mary's sign. Other students stand nearby.

Find out how you can verify your academic admission requirements. Here are some of our general curricula you can refer to:

United States-Patterned High School Curriculum

If you are attending high school in the United States of America or following an American patterned curriculum in an international school, we will assess for admission with grades of C (70%) or higher in minimum college preparatory level subjects. We will award advanced standing credit for AP results of 3 or better.

Bachelor of Arts

  • English
  • Four other academic subjects

Bachelor of Commerce

  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Three other academic subjects

Bachelor of Science

  • English
  • Pre-Calculus
  • One science of Biology, Chemistry, Physics or Computer Programming
  • Two other academic subjects

Diploma of Engineering

  • English
  • Pre-Calculus
  • Chemistry
  • One academic 12 science course (Physics recommended)
  • One other academic subject

View the AP courses equivalency for advanced standing toward your Saint Mary's degree program.


British-Patterned Curriculum

General Certificate of Education (GCE) Advanced Levels/International Advanced Levels (IAL A Levels)/

General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE)/International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) Ordinary (O) levels

Students can apply for admission upon completion of GCSE/IGCSE O levels or with a combination of O levels and predicted or completed A levels. We may offer advanced standing credit toward your degree with final Advanced level results of A, B or C (4 and higher).

Bachelor of Arts

  • English (GCSE/O level or higher)
  • Four other academic subjects at O level or higher

Bachelor of Commerce

  • English (GCSE/O level or higher)
  • Mathematics (GCSE/O level or higher)
  • Three other academic subjects at O level or higher

Bachelor of Science

  • English (GCSE/O level or higher)
  • AS/A level Mathematics
  • One science of Biology, Chemistry, Physics or Computer Programming (GCSE/O level or higher)
  • Two other academic subjects at GCSE/O level or higher

Diploma in Engineering

  • English (GCSE/O level or higher)
  • AS/A level Mathematics
  • Chemistry (GCSE/O level or higher)
  • One academic 12 science course (Physics (GCSE/O level or higher) recommended)
  • One other academic subject at GCSE/O level or higher

Test of English: not required if O level First Language English is completed with a final grade of C or 4. If O level Second Language English is completed, we will require a test of English proficiency.

View the A Level courses equivalency for advanced standing toward your Saint Mary's degree program



Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC/CAPE) Curriculum

  • Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC)
  • Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examinations (CAPE)

Students can apply for admission with completed CSEC certificates, CAPE Unit 1 and predicted CAPE Unit 2 results, or final CAPE Unit 2 certificates. We will consider CSEC and CAPE (if applicable) results when assessing for admission. We will consider grades of 1, 2, or 3 in CSEC subjects and grades of 1-5 in CAPE subjects. We may also offer advanced standing assessment for CAPE Unit 2 subjects with final results of 1, 2, or 3.

Bachelor of Arts

  • English (CSEC level or higher)
  • Four other academic subjects (CSEC level or higher)

Bachelor of Commerce

  • English (CSEC level or higher)
  • Mathematics (CSEC level or higher)
  • Three other academic subjects (CSEC level or higher)

Bachelor of Science

  • English (CSEC level or higher)
  • CSEC Additional Maths or CAPE Mathematics*
  • One science of Biology, Chemistry, Physics or Computer Programming (CSEC level or higher)
  • Two other academic subjects (CSEC level or higher)
  • *BSc Access available for students with CSEC Mathematics

Diploma in Engineering

  • English (CSEC level or higher)
  • CSEC Additional Maths or CAPE Mathematics
  • Chemistry (CSEC level or higher)
  • One academic 12 science course (Physics (CSEC level or higher) recommended)
  • One other academic subject (CSEC level or higher)

Test of English: not required.

Students who are enrolled in or have completed an Associate’s Degree program can apply as a Transfer student. Saint Mary’s will assess for admission based on a combination of CSEC, CAPE and Associate’s Degree results.

View the CAPE Equivalency Chart  to see the advanced standing toward your Saint Mary's degree program for your CAPE results.


Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE)/State Board Curriculum

Students can apply for admission with second division results and higher in Class X and XI mark sheets and predicted Class XII results (if available).

Bachelor of Arts

  • English XII
  • Four other academic XII subjects

Bachelor of Commerce

  • English XII
  • Mathematics X
  • Three other academic XII subjects

Bachelor of Science

  • English XII
  • Mathematics XII*
  • One science of XII Biology, Chemistry, Physics or Computer Programming
  • Two other academic XII subjects
  • *BSc Access available for non-math medical stream

Diploma in Engineering

  • English XII
  • Mathematics XII
  • Chemistry XII
  • One academic 12 science course (Physics XII recommended)
  • One other academic XII subject
  • Test of English: may be required.

In light of the announcement of the cancellation of the 2021 CBSE results, please note that Saint Mary’s University will be flexible in its admission policies for students directly affected by this announcement. Saint Mary’s will make admission decisions based upon Class X and XI results and predicted Class XII results (if your school can provide such documentation).

A favourable admission decision will lead to an offer of admission that satisfies the requirements of Immigration Canada for the purposes of the Study Permit process.

Baccalauréat/Baccalauréat Genéral

Students can apply for admission upon completion in the final year of their baccalauréat program.  

Bachelor of Arts

  • Anglais
  • Four other academic subjects

Bachelor of Commerce

  • Anglais
  • Mathematics
  • Three other academic subjects

Bachelor of Science

  • Anglais
  • Specialité Mathematics
  • One science of Biology, Chemistry, Physics or Computer Programming
  • Two other academic subjects

Diploma in Engineering

  • Anglais
  • Specialité Mathematics
  • Chemistry
  • One academic 12 science course (Physics recommended)
  • One other academic subject

Test of English: Required.




Saint Mary’s welcomes IB students from across the globe! We wholeheartedly embrace the mission of the International Baccalaureate Organization, acknowledging IB courses and programs as exceptional academic foundations for university success. Our recently implemented IB recognition policy stands out as one of the best ones in Canada and globally.

Outlined below are the University’s policies on admission and recognition for students presenting IB qualifications, effective for Fall 2024 intake and beyond.

IB Admission Requirements


English (SL or HL)

Four other SL or HL subjects


English (SL or HL)

Mathematics (SL or HL, Analysis and approaches or Applications and interpretation)

Three other SL or HL subjects


English (SL or HL)

Mathematics (SL or HL, Analysis and approaches or Applications and interpretation)

One science (Biology, Chemistry, Computer Programming, or Physics)

Two other SL or HL subjects


English (SL or HL)

Mathematics (SL or HL, Analysis and approaches or Applications and interpretation)

Chemistry (SL or HL)

Physics (or Biology)

One other SL or HL subject

Minimum predicted IBDP score for admission: 24

Up to 42 credit hours awarded for successful IBDP completion. IBCP also recognized for admission. View our full IB benefits here:

IB Certificates accepted with predicted scores of 3+ in subject requirements. Credit awarded for HL certificates with final grades of 5, 6 or 7

West African Examinations Council (WAEC)/

West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE)

Students can apply for admission with completed WAEC/WASSCE results. We will consider grades of C6 and higher for admission.

Bachelor of Arts

  • English
  • Four other academic subjects

Bachelor of Commerce

  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Three other academic subjects

Bachelor of Science

  • English
  • Further Mathematics
  • One science of Biology, Chemistry, Physics or Computer Programming
  • Two other academic subjects

Diploma in Engineering

  • English
  • Further Mathematics
  • Chemistry
  • One academic 12 science course (Physics recommended)
  • One other academic subject

Test of English: not required

Admission Requirements by Country

You can also verify your academic admission requirements by country below. If you do not see your country's requirements, please email

Is your country not listed?

If your country is not listed here, please contact us at and we will provide admissions requirements based on the curriculum in your home country.