Pawan Lingras

Dr. Pawan Lingras


B.Tech, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, India
M.Sc. Civil Engineering, University of Regina
M.Sc. Computer Science, University of Regina
Ph.D. Computer Science, University of Regina


Data Mining, Information Retrieval, Principles of Programming Languages, Data Structures, Operating Systems, Introduction to Computing Science and Programming.


Data Mining, Artificial Intelligence, Soft Computing, Fuzzy Sets,Rough Sets, Information Retrieval.

Please refer to my publication list at:

Profile description:

Pawan Lingras has authored more than 160 research papers in various international journals and conferences. He has also co-authored two textbooks and co-edited six volumes of research papers. He has served in a number of organizational and editorial roles on international conferences and journals. He is also active in Saint Mary's international initiatives including Director of a pilot Diploma Program in Gambia, West Africa; Scholar-in-Residence, and invited speaker in a number of seminars, workshops, and conferences in India. His international collaborations extend to other countries including USA, UK, Hong Kong, China, and Tunisia. He coached Saint Mary's Computing Programming team through Eight Atlantic Canadian Championships, four runner up finishes, and a trip to the world finals. He is active in departmental outreach programs including high school programming competition. He was also awarded Saint Mary's Father William A. Stewart, S.J. Medal for Excellence in Teaching. For more details, please visit my website at:


Contact us
Mathematics & Computing Science Department
1st Floor, McNally North
Main Office: MN 114