Search Committee mandate

The Presidential Search Committee (Search Committee or Committee) acts in an advisory role to the Board of Governors, and is established in accordance with Section 4, Article 2, paragraph (8), of the University By-Laws The Search Committee’s mandate is to act in the best long-term interests of the University in selecting and recommending the best possible candidate to lead the University as President and Vice-Chancellor. In carrying out its mandate, the Search Committee will develop a statement of the leadership experience and qualities sought in the new President and Vice-Chancellor. The Search Committee’s work will include:

  • Ensuring there is a review of institutional needs and objectives, consultation with the Universitycommunity, including the Board of Governors, on the qualities sought in the new President andVice-Chancellor;
  • Issuing a call for nominations and applications, and searching out suitable candidates for theposition; enabled through a professional Search Consultant
  • Establishing a long and short-list of candidates and interviewing the top-ranked candidates; and
  • Establishing further procedures as required or with consideration of guidance from the HumanResources Committee of the Board of Governors and advisors to the Committee, to ensure that themost suitable candidate(s) are considered and recommended.

The Search Committee is responsible for bringing a recommendation to the Board. The Committee will strive to bring a final candidate forward to the Board that has the clear support of the Committee.

Committee Membership

The Search Committee is chaired by the Chair of the Board of Governors. The Committee composition is set out in the University’s By-laws as follows:

  • Board Chair, who serves as Committee Chair
  • Board Vice-Chair
  • Three additional external governors (three governors who are either from the eight governorselected by the Board or appointed by Order in Council, or appointed by the Archdiocese of Halifax-Yarmouth)
  • One Vice-President, chosen by the Executive Management Group
  • One governor who is a member of faculty
  • One governor who is a student
  • One governor who is a governor appointed by the Alumni Council
  • One Dean or the University Librarian, chosen by the Vice President Academic and Research
  • Two faculty members of the Senate, chosen by the Senate

Should there be a vacancy on the Search Committee part way through the process, the Committee Chair has the authority to leave the position(s) vacant and/or to invite replacement(s) as deemed appropriate. Substitutions in membership are not desirable once candidate selection has commenced.

See the Search Committee members.

Search Committee Member Role

Members of the Search Committee, collectively and individually, play a key role in supporting the integrity and fairness of the search process. Members are required to acknowledge and sign a Commitment to Service and Confidentiality Agreement that outlines their obligations and expectations of them in the search process. It is estimated that the work of the Search Committee will involve a considerable amount of time and effort and members should expect to contribute up to 75 hours of time during the search, which is expected to take appropriately eighteen months.

The success of a Search Committee depends on the degree to which individual members are engaged in each stage of the process. It is critical that each member be fully engaged in the fair, objective, and comprehensive assessment of each candidate prior to short-listing, as well as in the assessment of candidates who are short-listed. It is equally important that all Search Committee members work from the same base of information and that the entire Search Committee be engaged in considering the significance of that information.

Members of the Search Committee are expected to make their best effort to attend all meetings in person to ensure that the whole Committee participates fully in the deliberations leading to its decisions and recommendations. The Search Committee shall make every effort to ensure that all members are present when the time comes to make its recommendation for the appointment of a President.


The quorum for Search Committee meetings shall be 7 of the members of the Committee, whether attending in person or remotely (e.g., via telephone or videoconference).

The Search Committee may develop additional meeting and other procedures to support its work and on the understanding that all proceedings be conducted in strict confidence.

Committee Resources

The University Secretariat and the Associate Vice-President, People and Culture, will provide support to the Search Committee.


The Search Committee is accountable to the Board of Governors. The Search Committee will generally report to the Board of Governors though the Search Committee Chair.