Marc G. Doucet
Faculty of Arts
Political Science
Professor (Full)

Office: MN518
Marc G. Doucet is a Full Professor of Political Science at Saint Mary’s University. He teaches in the field of International Relations and his current research examines contemporary forms of international intervention. In 2021, he held the inaugural Fulbright Canada Research Chair in the Humanities and Social Sciences at The Citadel Military College in Charleston, South Carolina. He is the author of Reforming 21st Peacekeeping Operations: Governmentalities of Security, Protection and Police (2018) and he is the co-editor of Security and Global Governmentality (2010). He has published articles in Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding; Review of Constitutional Studies; Security Dialogue; Theory & Event; Contemporary Political Theory; Millennium; Alternatives; and Global Society. His administrative service has included chair of the Department of Political Science, president of ISA-Canada, president of the Atlantic Provinces Political Science Association (APPSA), chair of the CPSA IR Jury Prize, and chair of the ISA-Canada graduate student paper prize.
Dr. Doucet's current research projects include:
- The political Theory of the Protection of Civilians
- Critical Security Studies, Contemporary Right Wing Populism and the Symbolic Order of Democracy
- Democracy and the International in Times of Crisis
Dr. Doucet's research is located in the field of International Relations (IR). His current work focuses on the political theory that underpins the Protection of Civilians (PoC) agenda which have informed humanitarian and military forms of international intervention since the end of the Cold War. Drawing from the research and approaches found in the field of Critical Security Studies, his published work draws from theories of governmentality, biopolitics, necropolitics, sovereignty and security.
PhD, Political Science, University of Ottawa (2000)
MA, Political Science, University of Ottawa (1994)
B.A. Political Science, Université de Moncton (1992)