Cristian A. Suteanu
Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Science
Department of Geography and Environmental Studies & Department of Environmental Science
Chair of the Department of Environmental Science

Office: B106
Phone: 902-420-5737
After his Bachelor and Master’s in Engineering, Cristian focused on computer systems endowed with means of interacting with their physical environment. He developed and patented a computer system testing instrument, and he taught courses for computer engineers on error diagnosis theory and methods.
With the accumulated computer modeling experience and due to his interest in our interaction with information systems and with the physical environment, he joined the Nonlinear Science Group in the Institute of Geodynamics of the Romanian Academy. He worked passionately in this transdisciplinary research environment, specializing in the analysis and the mathematical modeling of geosystems. He taught undergraduate and graduate courses in geophysics, geodynamics, and physical geography. He felt strongly, however, that a deeper understanding of our relation to reality requires a multi-pronged scholarly approach. Therefore, he also kept enhancing his studies in philosophy and the theory of culture.
After joining Saint Mary’s University, he expanded his research field, focusing on the development of novel methods for the study of a range of environmental systems, and he deepened his investigations regarding environment-related epistemology.
Courses taught by Dr. Suteanu include Environmental Information Management, Statistical Methods in Geography, Natural Hazards, Environmental Pattern Analysis, as well as graduate courses on nonlinear approaches to natural complex systems.
Book: Scale - Understanding the Environment, Springer, 2023
His research focuses on nonlinear analysis and modeling of natural systems that are characterized by strong variability in space and/or time. Applications include especially climate variability, wind energy, and natural hazards (tectonic fault processes and earthquakes, volcanic seismicity, mass movement, wind hazards). At the same time, he studies epistemological aspects of our interactions with the environment.
B.Eng. and M.Eng., Politehnica University of Bucharest, Romania
Ph.D., Physics of the Earth, Institute of Geodynamics of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest
M.Phil., Philosophy of Culture, University of Bucharest