Mohamed Drira
Sobey School of Business
Accounting and Commercial Law
Associate Professor

Office: 317 Sobey Building
Phone: 902-420-5624
Dr. Mohamed Drira is an Associate Professor at the Department of Accounting and Commercial Law of the Sobey School of Business. He holds a PhD in Accounting (HEC Montreal, University of Montreal), an MSc in Accounting (University of Sherbrooke), and a BSc in Accounting (IHEC Carthage). He also holds the CPA designation from CPA Canada, the Certified Information Technology Professional (CITP) designation form the American Institute of CPAs (AICPA), and the Certified Analytics Professional (CAP) designation from the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS).
Dr. Drira’s scholarly activities span a broad range of areas including, governance, sustainability, ESG, CSR, EDIAB, board of directors, top-management-team, audit and assurance, enterprise risk management and internal control, professional judgment and critical thinking, strategic decision making, emerging trends in IT and applied machine learning, financial accounting, and corporate finance and banking. Dr. Drira’s research work has been presented at arbitrated national and international conferences and published in several peer-reviewed international journals. Additionally, he has received numerous national and international research honors and award and his research projects have been supported by Canadian agencies and organizations such as Mitacs, the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), the Canadian Academic Accounting Association (CAAA), CPA Canada, the Government of New Brunswick, Saint Mary’s University, and the University of New Brunswick. Furthermore, Dr. Drira has supervised many undergraduate and graduate students in business and computer science.
Dr. Drira served as a member of the first CPA Canada’s National Board of Examiners for two consecutive terms, a member of the Board of Directors of CPA New Brunswick and its Complaints Committee, a member of the Board of Governors of Saint Mary’s University, a member of the Board of Directors of the Business Administration Undergraduate Society at the University of New Brunswick, a member of the Education and Training Board Committee of the Institute of Internal Auditors (Montreal Chapter), the chair of the accounting department at the University of New Brunswick, a member of national SSHRC Insight Grant adjudication committees, a member of INFORMS’ Certified Analytics Professional (CAP) new job task analysis group, and a member of the national academic forum of CPA Canada’s Competency Map Task Force. In addition, Dr. Drira has been involved with CPA Canada at the national level as an assessment reviewer, an audit reviewer, and a technical reviewer for the auditing and assurance area.