Early Assist
Early Assist is a Student Success initiative that provides proactive outreach and support to students who may be experiencing challenges impacting their academic and personal success. By providing early outreach and connecting students with appropriate advice/resources, we help foster student success through our community of care.
Questions? Email earlyassist@smu.ca
Early Assist is not an emergency service. In the case of emergency, contact 911 and/or campus security at (902) 420-5000.
Early Assist: Student Information
Universities are big organizations, and knowing where to turn to for help is not always clear. An Early Assist program can tell you about campus resources, help you figure out which support works for you, and help you develop a plan for accessing help.
Are you a student who would like to know more about Early Assist? Review our Frequently Asked Questions Guide for more information.
Early Assist does not replace the way Faculty and Staff currently support you but enhances that support. When you are facing difficulties, your Professor/Instructor may reach out to you directly or may use Early Assist to address the concerns they are having.
When an alert is submitted by faculty, it is reviewed by the Early Assist Team and Academic Advisors to identify the most appropriate way to contact you and connect you with the support you need.
Why was an alert submitted about me?
Early Assist is meant to provide assistance to students who need additional support because of a setback or challenges that may put their academic goals and success at risk. An alert is submitted by Professor/Instructor to Early Assist when there is an opportunity to offer you support.
Will Early Assist impact my Academic Record or decisions related to funding?
No. Early Assist is not connected to your academic record and cannot be used to influence your grades or scholarship funding. Your Professor will only know about an alert they have submitted about you, but they will not know about alerts submitted in other courses.
All of your information is protected under Nova Scotia’s Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPOP). The only people who are able to review information submitted through Early Assist is the relevant Early Assist Team members who will reach out to you to offer support.
Professors are only able to see information they have submitted. They can not view an alert submitted by another Professor.
An alert has not been submitted about me, but I need academic help. Who can I contact?
Early Assist recommends that you contact your Professor/Instructor first if you are having difficulty in a particular course. Visit them during their office hours, send an email, or talk with them after class. Another option is to visit your Academic Advising Office. Not sure who best to talk to? Contact the Student Success Centre for further assistance studentsuccess@smu.ca.
Is this a form of surveillance?
At Saint Mary's University we pay attention and when we see an opportunity to help, we will! Early Assist is not a way for the University to track or keep information about you, it is a tool used to help you succeed. We know that challenges can arise during your studies, and sometimes a bit of help can get you back on track.
Early Assist: Faculty Information
Faculty and Staff are encouraged to use Early Assist when they have concerns about a student's behaviour and/or academic performance. You can now submit an alert to connect your students to the appropriate on-campus resources.
Who can refer a student to Early Assist?
For the 2022-23 academic year, Professors/Instructors of a select number of first-year 1000 and 2000 level courses have been contacted to take part in the Early Assist Program. At the moment, only those faculty members will have the ability to submit an alert for students in their course.
When to use Early Assist?
Faculty are encouraged to use Early Assist when they have concerns about a student's behaviour and/or academic performance. Corncerning behaviour might include:
- Continuous poor performance/grades on assessments
- Assignments not being turned in or turned in late
- Inactivity or low login rate for asynchronous delivered courses
- Observed behaviour that is inapproriate or disruptive
- Observed social/emotional changes including general unhappiness and social interaction problems
What happens after an alert is submitted?
After an alert is submitted, it is reviewed by the Early Assist Team. The nature of the alert will determine how that concern will be addressed and which university office will follow up with the student- The Early Assist Team or Academic Advising.
The appropriate Advisor or Early Assist Team member will contact the student by email. The student will be invited to discuss the concerns that were identified and they will offer to connect them with the relevant resources and support.
Are you concerned about a student but your course is not apart of the program?
Reach out directly to the student if you notice that they are in need of assistance and refer them to the relevant on-campus supports and resources.
Early Assist is compliant with FOIPOP standards and data governance requirements.
Instructors taking part in the Early Assist program, are able to submit an alert for any student in their course. A student can decline the support being offered, and the Early Alert program will not continue to contact the student.
Information submitted about a student is protected, and will be viewable by the Early Assist Coordinator, Academic Advisors and Program Assistant (student position).