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How do we rebuild communities after disaster strikes? 
What regions and sectors face the greatest threats from the coronavirus pandemic? 
Where should we focus infrastructure spending for the greatest return on investment?

We must tackle these questions, and many others whose impacts are felt locally, regionally, nationally, and internationally.  While there are no easy answers - some questions have no solution at all - we must not ignore them. 

The Wicked Problems Lab assists in understanding, tracking, and addressing some of the world’s biggest challenges. The lab is equipped with the latest software and curated datasets and is staffed with a full-time analyst to help address your wicked problem. 

We offer the following services to the Saint Mary’s community:

For more information please e-mail:

The Wicked Problems Lab is generously supported by:
The Windsor Foundation, The Hewitt Foundation, and Dr. Daniel McCarthy BComm'76 DComm'11