Academic Planning Committee
Academic Planning Committee
- The Committee on Academic Planning shall annually endeavour to assess the impact of program reviews and new program proposals on the University’s resources and constraints and establish short and long-term goals, policies and procedures, both general and specific, relating to the viability, quality, expansion or contraction of its academic programs and to the overall direction of growth, and make appropriate recommendations to Senate.
- To this end, the committee shall consider recommendations for any new programs or for the discontinuance of all existing programs and shall formulate policies and priorities for submission to Senate. The committee may also initiate such recommendations on its own.
- To this end the committee shall be responsible for the detailed oversight of the Undergraduate and Graduate Program Review processes. In all matters concerning the above, the “Senate Policy on the Review of Programs at Saint Mary’s University” shall apply.
- To this end, the Manager Program Review and the Senate Office shall collaborate to prepare annual Faculty specific reports (September 1 to August 31) of all program review recommendations of a budgetary, financial, or resource nature. This report will be circulated to the VPAR and Deans for review and further consideration.
- To this end, the Committee shall make recommendations to Senate on the establishment, operation, and termination of Institutes and Centres. In all matters concerning the above, the procedures specified in the Senate document “Senate Policy Governing the Establishment, Reporting and Review of Research Institutes and Centres at Saint Mary’s University” shall apply.
- The committee shall recommend to Senate priorities among its recommendations and the impact of its recommendations on faculty positions and other resources, such as space, library acquisitions, audio visual, lab requirements, classroom and office space.
- The committee shall assist in the coordination and preparation of University reports and submissions to the Maritime Provinces Higher Education Commission and other such bodies or agencies.
- The committee shall maintain close liaison with the Budget and Curriculum Committees.
- The composition of the committee shall be as follows:
- The Vice-President, Academic and Research who shall chair the committee;
- The Associate Vice President Academic & Enrolment Management.
- The Dean of each Faculty;
- Three faculty members, one from each Faculty;
- The University Librarian;
- Teaching and Learning Representative, (appointed by the VPAR)
- The Manager, Academic Program Development and Review (non-voting)
- One student appointed by the Students’ Association; and
- Secretary of Senate (secretary).
Membership 2024-2025
Dr Madine VanderPlaat, Vice-President, Academic & Research (who shall Chair)
Mr Dan Seneker, Associate Vice-President, Academic & Enrollment Management
Dr Adam Sarty, Dean of Graduate Studies & Research
Dr Michel Delorme, Dean of Business
Dr Mary Ingraham, Dean of Arts
Dr Sam Veres, Dean of Science
Dr Tatjana Takseva (ENGL/Arts)
Dr Ashraf Al-Zaman (FINA/Bus)
Dr Patrick Carolan (PSYC/Science)
Ms Suzanne van den Hoogen , University Librarian
TBA, Teaching and Learning Representative
Ms. Elizabeth Gillis, Manager Academic Program Development & Review
Mr Tyler Hutchinson, (Student rep appt’d by SA to Apr/25)
Ms Anushka Kalantri (Alternate Student rep appt’d by SA to Apr/25)
Ms. Shannon Morrison, Secretary of Senate (Sect.)