Curriculum Committee
Curriculum Committee
- The committee on Curriculum shall:
- Review submissions for new courses and changes in existing programs and courses presented to it by the Deans;
- Report on submissions to Senate with recommendations; and
- Have the editorial responsibility for those sections of the University Calendar that relate to curricula and programs.
- Submissions respecting new courses and changes to existing programs and courses shall adhere to the “Senate Policy on Submissions to the Senate Curriculum Committee".
- The committee shall pay particular attention to the relationship of proposed new courses to existing courses offered by the same or other departments so that needless duplication may be avoided.
- Should the authorization of new courses become necessary during the summer months, the committee shall forward its recommendations to the Executive Committee for approval. The Executive Committee shall report any such approvals to the first meeting of Senate in the next academic year.
- The committee shall examine existing programs of study and recommend to Senate on their effectiveness or feasibility. In this context, the committee shall, if it deems necessary, initiate an examination of and report to Senate on
- Core programs;
- Interdisciplinary studies;
- Specialized programs or projects.
- The committee shall examine the requirements for degrees, diplomas (certificates) and recommend changes in these requirements to Senate.
- The committee, in its examination of programs and courses, shall bear in mind the academic objectives of the University and the overall direction of its growth.
- The chairperson shall be elected by the committee to serve a term of one year, and shall, where possible, be selected from those who have been members the previous year.
- The composition of this committee shall be as follows:
- The Registrar; (Chair)
- The Vice-President, Academic & Research or a Dean (ex-officio);
- One faculty member from each Faculty, elected by Senate;
- One student appointed by the Student’s Association;
- One representative, Studio for Teaching & Learning;
- Manager, Academic Program Development and Review;
- One representative, Library;
- Secretary of Senate (secretary).
Membership 2024-2025
Mr. Dan Seneker, (Chair)
Vice-President Academic & Research or a Dean (ex-officio)
Dr. Shyamala Sivakumar (Bus)
Dr Egor Tsedryk (ML&C/Arts)
Dr Kai Ylijoki (CHEM/Science)
Ms Stefani Woods, One representative, Studio for Teaching & Learning
Ms Elizabeth Gillis, Manager, Academic Program Development & Review
Mr Tyler Hutchinson (Student rep appt’d by SA to Apr/25)
Mr Hansel Cook, One representative, Library
Shannon Morrison, Secretary of Senate (Sect.)