Women and Gender Studies

Welcome to the Graduate Program in Women and Gender Studies

The Master of Arts in Women and Gender Studies, offered cooperatively by Mount Saint Vincent and Saint Mary's Universities, emphasizes the interdisciplinary basis of Women and Gender Studies, its community linkages, and its grounding in feminist theories and methods. The program allows graduate students access to a diverse and large faculty with strong research profiles in the study of women, gender, and sexuality in a range of areas, including: cultural and media studies; literary studies; social history; feminist, political, and queer theory; education and knowledge production; health and body studies, religion and spirituality; urban and rural studies; law, regulation, human rights, and social justice; masculinity; race, ethnicity, and class; paid and unpaid labour; the creative arts; migration, citizenship, and formal politics; youth, children, and girlhood studies; and community activism.

Faculty and students are trained in and work through multiple disciplinary and interdisciplinary frameworks, and our program offers the exceptional graduate opportunity for extensive individual attention. The program is enriched by its location in Halifax as Atlantic Canada's cultural and educational capital, access to a variety of library collections and faculty at multiple universities in the city and province, by the presence at MSVU of the Nancy's Chair in Women's Studies and the Canada Research Chair in Gender, and links with active local, national, and international feminist communities.


For further information contact:

Michele Byers, Graduate Program Coordinator, SMU 

Maria Shaw, Administrative Assistant, SMU

Marnina Gonick, Graduate Program Coordinator, MSVU

Phoebe Smith, Administrative Assistant, MSVU

Contact us
Faculty of Arts
Women and Gender Studies
McNally South, Room 424