Exams and Proctors

Web (WW/WX) Courses Learning Examinations

person writing exam

Welcome to Web (WW/WX) Courses  Proctoring Examinations:

With any examination students are responsible for knowing the date, time, and location of their formal examinations. To help with this, you can access and print your personal formal examination schedule from Banner Self-Service. Please note that while the schedule is accurate at the time of viewing/printing, it may be subject to revision without prior notice. Therefore, it is your responsibility to ensure they have the most up-to-date schedules.

Proctoring Services:

Students registered in  a web (WW/WX) course and not for a hybrid or remote course and live 100 km or more from the campus and need to write a midterm or final exam must arrange for exam invigilation. It is your responsibility to make the arrangements and complete the proctor form. If you require a proctor for your web (WW/WX)  course, please fill out the proctor form located at the bottom of this page or contact your course instructor via email.


Arrangements for the Proctoring of an Exam for Saint Mary's University

If you live more than 100 km away from the University, you have two options for writing your exam(s): on campus or with a proctor.

Students who are taking both web (WW/WX) courses and on-campus courses in the same term must be available to write exams on campus and are not eligible to write with a proctor, except in exceptional circumstances approved by the course instructor.

If you choose to obtain a proctor, it is your responsibility to arrange for a proctor who is acceptable to Saint Mary's University. The selected proctor needs to be identified with sufficient time for the University to assess the selection.

Students within Canada:  You can utilize proctoring services offered by most post-secondary institutions or through specialized proctoring service providers. If you are accessing a service through another educational institution that does not have a dedicated proctoring department, we will consider a university professor as an acceptable proctor. In cases where neither a post-secondary institution or a specialized proctoring service is not available in your area, we will consider a secondary school principal or teacher as an alternative proctor.


Students outside of Canada:  Students who are writing exams outside of Canada will require a proctor employed by a post-secondary institution. If a post-secondary institution is not available, a high school with a suitable invigilator, such as a teacher, will be considered.

To avoid conflicts of interest, a proctor cannot be a family member, relative, classmate, co-worker, immediate supervisor, friend or a coach.

You must provide the proposed proctor's information to the course instructor or the Studio for Teaching and Learning at Saint Mary's University no later than two weeks before your scheduled exam, preferably one month prior.

Student Responsibilities

Here are guidelines for students using a proctor for their exam:

  • Select a proctor for the exam.
  • Inform the proctor about the type of exam. If the exam is online, confirm arrangements with your instructor before sharing information with the proctor.
  • Submit the proctor information form to the Studio as soon as possible, or at least two weeks before your exam date.
  • If you need to switch to a new proctor or change the exam date, you will need to resubmit the proctor form.
  • Confirm with the proctor before the scheduled exam to ensure they have all the necessary information.
  • Pay any fees required for the proctoring services.
  • Be aware of the time limits for your exams.
  • In case of unexpected circumstances, contact your instructor and/or Studio for Teaching and Learning as soon as possible.
  • You cannot write the exam on a different date or time unless you have special permission from the instructor. For final exams, the relevant Dean must grant permission.
  • If you have any questions, we can help, you can contact us via email: proctor@smu.ca or call 902-420-5491 between 8:30am and 4:00pm (AST), Monday to Friday. 

Proctor Responsibilities

Here are guidelines to help a proctor determine whether they wish to invigilate a proctored exam for a student:

  • Receive the exam and instructions from the Studio for Teaching and Learning and keep the exam in a secure place.
  • Confirm the exam arrangements with the student in writing and provide directions to the testing area if the student is not already aware.
  • Follow all the instructions provided on the Proctored Exam document submitted prior to the exam date.
  • Verify the student's identity with a photo ID.
  • Tell student’s what devices are allowed during the exam (e.g., calculator, reference sheets), as described in the exam instructions. Cell phones, smartphones, tablets, smartwatches with calculators, devices that record data, and any other electronic devices are not permitted during the exam.
  • Ensure the student is aware of the time limit for the exam.
  • You will need to stay in the same room while the student is writing their exam.
  • Provide a secure, quiet, and comfortable testing environment for the student.
  • The exam must be terminated if the testing procedure is compromised due to improper conduct. Notify the Studio for Teaching and Learning promptly.
  • The exam needs to be written on the specified day and time indicated by the instructor unless the course instructor grants special permission.
  • In case of unexpected circumstances, contact the instructor and/or Studio for Teaching and Learning.
  • Once the exam is completed, make a photocopy of the student's photo ID, and include it with the completed exam and the Statement of Invigilation.
  • It is the proctor's responsibility to return the exam to Saint Mary's University as soon as it is completed. If there is a delay, please contact the Studio for Teaching and Learning and provide an expected date for delivery of the exam. 

Studio for Teaching and Learning Responsibilities

  • The Studio for Teaching and Learning will contact the proctor to confirm identity and make examination arrangements.
  • The Studio for Teaching and Learning will arrange for the delivery and return of the examination with the proctor.
  • Saint Mary's University will arrange and cover the courier delivery cost of the exam to the student’s proctor. It is the student's responsibility to pay for the return of the exam to Saint Mary's University via courier or another approved secure delivery method. 


Please note:   This form is only to be filled out by students who are registered in Web courses with the extensions of WW or WX / AW or BW. 

 * Required fields



Saint Mary’s will arrange for and pay for the courier delivery of the exam to the student’s proctor. It is the student’s responsibility to pay for the return of the exam to Saint Mary’s University by courier or some other secure delivery mode which has been approved by the University.

The usual exam time frame is three hours. Exams are to be written in a suitably quiet location without access to reference or study materials or electronic devices except as designated by the course instructor.

The proctor will be asked to sign a statement attesting to the terms and conditions of the examination, and to return the exam in a timely manner according to the procedures identified by Saint Mary’s University.

Contact us
Online Learning
Atrium 213