
Greg Baker
Research Instrument Technician

Greg Baker treeBurke 215

B.A. (Saint Mary's, 2004)
Dip. Digital Cartography (COGS, 2001)


  • Geographic Information Systems
  • Surveying
  • Cartography
  • Photogrammetry

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Ashley N Campbell
Manager, Faculty of Science Interpreting Services

Science Building 219A

Ashley Campbell is the manager of the SMU Faculty of Science Interpreting Services office and works as the STEM ASL-English staff interpreter for the faculty. She has considerable experience and expertise in interpreting and interpreting services coordination for diverse STEM settings ranging from classroom lectures & labs to outdoors research sites to international conferences. She has developed an in-house English-ASL/ASL-English dictionary of STEM terminology for interpreter preparation and development, produced Best Practice documents for interpreters working at SMU, maintained and updated the SMU Deaf Academics – Professional Interpreters website resource which is used by people across North America, and co-led the Atlantic Canada Sign Language Place Names project. She has served on the national ASL-English interpreting association (Canadian Association of Sign Language Interpreters [CASLI]) board in various positions (including president) and is currently the treasurer of the provincial association the Maritimes Association of Professional Sign Language Interpreters (MAPSLI).



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Will Flanagan
Cartographer and Lab Technician

Burke 200E


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Heidi GavelHeidi Gavel
DEEHR Project Coordinator and Ecotoxicology Technician

Science 106A



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GES Secretary - Nicole LuttrellNicole Luttrell
Administrative Assistant

The School of the Environment
Department of Geography and Environmental Studies
Department of Environmental Science

Burke 109

Nicole Luttrell has been with Saint Mary's University for over 18 years and holds a BSc in Office Management. Along with being secretary for the School of the Environment, she is also secretary to the Department of Environmental Science and to the Department of Geography and Environmental Studies.

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Starla Predham's photoStarla Predham
Interpreting Services Faculty of Science
ASL-English Staff Interpreter

Starla Predham is one of the staff interpreters with Interpreting Services. She was the first STEM Internship participant before joining the university full-time. Born and raised in Newfoundland, she is known as a Child of Deaf Adults (CODA) and a heritage signer in her community, having been brought up by Deaf parents. Starla is on the board of the local interpreting association, Maritime Association of Professional Sign Language Interpreter as a director. Starla likes working and enjoying the outdoors. 

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Jess Younker

Science Technician

Office: S 104
Phone: 902-496-8260


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