Plan Your Degree

Students in hallway outside of Arts Commons, second floor of the McNally Building

BA Advising for students

The BA Advising Centre offers academic advising services to new and returning students, to help you navigate your programs and plan for future terms. Book your appointments through our online booking system, with a range of advising options currently available: in person, telephone, email, and online video chat with Microsoft Teams meetings. Students can also email questions to advisors at

Academic Advising appointments are best used for questions about:

  • degree progress and course planning for the next academic year;
  • discussing and planning program options;
  • students experiencing academic difficulty;
  • students on probation or at risk of probation, suspension, or dismissal;
  • discussing your goals, available skill-building opportunities, and planning next steps.

Meet your advisors

The BA Academic Advisors help students with course selection, as well as understanding program requirements, university processes and regulations, and the range of university services available. Every department also has faculty program advisors who are available to discuss course selection, research and potential career options.

BA Breadth Requirements

These breadth requirements are a guide to help you choose courses for your first year of a Bachelor of Arts degree at Saint Mary’s.

Program details

Learn more about the wide range of programs available in the Faculty of Arts. See the great variety of options for majors, minors, honours degrees, concentrations and more.

Forms and dates

Access student forms and important dates to remember.  





Contact us
Faculty of Arts
Mailing address:
Saint Mary’s University
923 Robie Street
Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3H 3C3

Social media