SMUfit Pilates Studio

Private/Duet Lessons

Private/Duet Lessons

Private and Duet lessons are the best way to experience Pilates. In these sessions you will work one on one, or two on one with your Instructor. You have access to the complete studio and your individual needs are met in each session. Please contact for booking information. 

*All pricing is subject to HST and must be added to all pricing options.

**The fee for duet sessions covers both individuals. 

Sessions Member Non-Member Description
1 Private Session $72 $90 Personalized on on one private lesson with access to the complete studio.
6 Private Sessions $408 $513 6 one on one private lessons with access to the complete studio.
12 Private Sessions $780 $972 12 one on one private lessons with access to the complete studio.
1 Duet Session $87 $109 Two on one private lesson with access to the complete studio. 
6 Duet Sessions $496 $621 6 private duet sessions with access to the complete studio.
12 Duet Sessions $940 $1177 12 private duet sessions with access to the complete studio.













Contact us
Athletics & Recreation
The Homburg Centre for Health & Wellness
920 Tower Road
Mailing address:
The Homburg Centre for Health & Wellness
923 Robie Street
Halifax, Nova Scotia
B3H 3C3

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