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Peer-reviewed Journal Articles

  1. C. Ghenai, T. Salameh, A. Merabet. Technico-economic analysis of off grid solar PV/Fuel cell energy system for residential community in desert region, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, (In Press).
  2. A. Merabet, L. Labib, A. Ghias (2018). Robust model predictive control for photovoltaic inverter system with grid fault ride-through capability, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol. 9, no. 6, pp. 5699-5709.
  3. A. Merabet (2018). Adaptive sliding mode speed control for wind energy experimental system, Energies, vol. 11, no. 9, 2238.
  4. A. Merabet, H. Eshaft, A. Tanvir (2018). Power-current controller based sliding mode control for DFIG-wind energy conversion system, IET Renewable Power Generation, vol. 12, no. 10, pp. 1155–1163.
  5. C. Ghenai, A. Merabet, T. Salameh, E.C. Pigem (2018). Grid-tied and stand-alone hybrid solar power system for desalination plant, Desalination, Elsevier, vol. 435, pp. 172-180.
  6. K. Beddek, A. Merabet, M. Kesraoui, A. Tanvir, R. Beguenane (2017). Signal-based sensor fault detection and isolation for PMSG in wind energy conversion systems, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 66, no. 9, pp. 2403-2412.
  7. A. Merabet, L. Labib, A. Ghias, C. Ghenai, T. Salameh (2017). Robust feedback linearizing control with sliding mode compensation for a grid-connected photovoltaic inverter system under unbalanced grid voltages, IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 828-838.
  8. A. Merabet, K. Ahmed, H. Ibrahim, R. Beguenane, A. Ghias (2017). Energy management and control system for laboratory scale microgrid based wind-PV-battery, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 145-154.
  9. A. Ghias, J. Pou, P. Acuna, S. Ceballos, A. Heidari, V. G. Agelidis, A. Merabet (2017), Elimination of low-frequency ripples and regulation of neutral-point voltage in stacked multicell converters, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 164-175.
  10. A. Merabet, A. Tanvir, K. Beddek (2017). Torque and state estimation for real-time implementation of multivariable control in sensorless induction motor drives, IET Electric Power Applications, vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 653-663.
  11. A. Merabet, K. Ahmed, H. Ibrahim, R. Beguenane (2016). Implementation of sliding mode control system for generator and grid sides control of wind energy conversion system, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 1327-1335.
  12. A. Merabet, A. Tanvir, K. Beddek (2016). Speed control of sensorless induction generator by artificial neural network in wind energy conversion system, IET Renewable Power Generation, vol. 10, no. 10, pp. 1597-1606.
  13. Z. Almukhtar, A. Merabet (2016). Fuzzy MPPT control and power regulation for standalone photovoltaic energy conversion system, International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Applications, vol. 2, no. 7, pp. 371-381.
  14. Z. Almukhtar, A. Merabet (2016). Maximum power point Tracking based on estimated power for PV energy conversion system, Int. Journal of Electrical, Computer, Energetic, Electronic and Communication Engineering, vol.10, no. 4, pp. 533-537.
  15. A. Merabet, M. Islam, R. Beguenane, A. Trzynadlowski (2015) Multivariable control algorithm for laboratory experiments in wind energy conversion, Renewable Energy, vol. 83, pp. 162-170.
  16. A. Tanvir, A. Merabet, R. Beguenane (2015). Real-time control of active and reactive power for doubly fed induction generator (DFIG)-based wind energy conversion system, Energies, vol. 8, no. 9, pp. 10389-10408.
  17. K. Beddek, M. Kesraoui, A. Merabet (2015). Optimization of the artificial neural networks structure for filtering applications in wind energy conversion system, Indian Journal of Science and Technology, vol. 8, no. 12, pp. 1-6.
  18. M. IslamA. Merabet, R. Beguenane, H. Ibrahim (2014). Power management strategy for solar stand-alone hybrid energy system, Int. Journal of Electrical, Robotics, Electronics and Communications Engineering, vol. 8, no. 6, pp. 783-787.
  19. A. MerabetM. A. Islam, R. Beguenane, H. Ibrahim (2014). Second-order sliding mode control for variable speed wind turbine experiment system, Renewable Energy & Power Quality Journal, no. 12.
  20. M. IslamA. Merabet, R. Beguenane, H. Ibrahim, H. Ahmed (2014). Simulation based study of maximum power point tracking and frequency regulation for stand-alone solar photovoltaic systems, Renewable Energy & Power Quality Journal, no. 12.
  21. J. Thongam, R. Beguenane, M. Tarbouchi, A. F. Okou, A. Merabet, I. Fofana, P. Bouchard (2013). A rotor speed estimation algorithm in variable speed permanent magnet synchronous generator wind energy conversion system, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, vol. 23, no. 16, pp. 1880-1890.
  22. A. Merabet, V. RajasekaranA. McMullin, H. Ibrahim, R. Beguenane, J. Thongam (2012). Nonlinear model predictive controller with state observer for speed sensorless induction generator–wind turbine systems, Proc IMechE Part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering, 227(2), pp. 198–213.
  23. A. MerabetR. KeebleV. Rajasekaran, R. Beguenane, H. Ibrahim, J. Thongam (2012). Power management system for load banks supplied by pitch controlled wind turbine system, Applied Sciences, 2: 4. pp. 801-815
  24. S. Meziane, R. Toufouti, A. Merabet, H. Benalla (2012). Cascaded nonlinear adaptive predictive control based adaptive flux observer of induction motor, International Journal of Computer Applications, vol. 56, no. 4, pp. 37-43.

Peer-reviewed Book Chapters

  1. A. Merabet (2012) Nonlinear model predictive control for induction motor drive. In: Frontiers of Model Predictive Control, Edited by: Tao Zheng, InTech, Chapter 6. pp. 109-130.

 Peer-reviewed Conference Articles

  1. C. Ghenai, T. Salameh, A. Merabet, A. Hamid (2017). Modeling, simulation and optimization of off grid solar/generator/batteries power system, 7th International conference on Modeling, Simulation and Applied Optimization, Apr. 4-6, American University of Sharjah, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, pp. 1-5
  2. K. Ahmed, A. Merabet, R. Beguenane, H. Ibrahim, A. Allagui (2016), Real-time platform for controlling DC microgrid based standalone solar energy conversion system, 2nd IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics and Computer Systems, Mar. 13-15, Sharjah, UAE, pp. 1-5.
  3. K. Ahmed, A. Merabet, H. Ibrahim, R. Beguenane, (2016). Standalone wind energy conversion system using OPAL-RT real-time HIL/RCP laboratory, 2nd IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics and Computer Systems, Mar. 13-15, Sharjah, UAE, pp. 1-5.
  4. A. Merabet, K. Ahmed, R. Beguenane, H. Ibrahim (2015). Feedback linearization control with sliding mode disturbance compensator for PMSG based wind energy conversion system, IEEE 28th Canadian Electrical and Computer Engineering, May 3-6, Halifax, Canada, pp. 1-6.
  5. A. Merabet, K. Ahmed, H. Ibrahim, R. Beguenane, K. Belmokhtar (2015). Sliding mode speed control for wind energy conversion systems. IEEE 28th Canadian Electrical and Computer Engineering, May. 3-6, Halifax, Canada, pp. 1-6.
  6. K. Belmokhtar, H. Ibrahim, A. Merabet (2015) Online parameter identification for a DFIG driven wind turbine generator based on recursive least squares algorithm. IEEE 28th Canadian Electrical and Computer Engineering, May. 3-6, Halifax, Canada, pp. 1-6.
  7. A. Merabet, M. Islam, S. Enebeli-Robinson, R. Beguenane (2014). Wind turbine emulator using OPAL-RT Real-time HIL/RCP Laboratory. 26th International Conference on Microelectronics, Doha, Qatar, Dec. 14-17, 2014, pp. 1-5.
  8. A. MerabetM. Islam, R. Beguenane (2014). Predictive speed controller for laboratory size wind turbine experiment system, Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, Toronto, ON, Canada, May 4-7, pp. 1-6.
  9. V. RajasekaranA. Merabet, H. Ibrahim, R. Beguenane, J. Thongam (2013). Control system for hybrid wind diesel based microgrid, IEEE Electrical Power and Energy Conference, Halifax, Canada, August 21-23, pp. 1-6.
  10. V. RajasekaranA. Merabet, H. Ibrahim, R. Beguenane, J. S. Thongam (2013). Control system simulation for stand-alone hybrid wind diesel system, IEEE Electrical Power and Energy Conference, Halifax, Canada, August 21-23,pp. 1-6.
  11. M. IslamA. Merabet, R. Beguenane and H. Ibrahim (2013) Modeling solar photovoltaic cell and simulated performance analysis of a 250W PV module, IEEE Electrical Power and Energy Conference, Halifax, Canada, August 21-23, pp. 1-6.
  12. H. Ibrahim, A. Bourji, M. Ghandour, A. Merabet (2013) Optimization of compressed air storage’s volume for a stand-alone wind-diesel hybrid system, IEEE Electrical Power and Energy Conference, Halifax, Canada, August 21-23, pp. 1-6.
  13. H. Ibrahim, A. Ilinca, J. Perron, A. Merabet (2013) Modeling and simulation of a novel small-scale compressed air hybrid system for stand-alone off-grid applications, IEEE Electrical Power and Energy Conference, Halifax, Canada, August 21-23.
  14. V. Groza, C D. Pitis, A. Merabet, V. D. Giurgiu (2013) Novel method of pre-determining induction machine parameters and energetic efficiency, IEEE Electrical Power and Energy Conference, Halifax, Canada, August 21-23, pp. 1-6.
  15. A. MerabetJ. kerrV. Rajasekaran, D. Wight (2012). Power electronics circuit for speed control of experimental wind turbine, 24th IEEE International Conference on Microelectronics, Algiers, Algeria, Dec. 17-20, pp. 1-4.
  16. A. MerabetV. RajasekaranJ. Kerr (2012). Modelling and control of a pitch controlled wind turbine experiment workstation, 38th Annual Conference IEEE on Industrial Electronics Society (IECON), Montreal, Canada, Oct. 25-28, pp. 4316 - 4320.
  17. V. RajasekaranA. Merabet, H. Ibrahim, R. Beguenane, J. Thongam (2012). Maximum power point tracking and frequency control for hybrid wind diesel system supplying an isolated load, 38th Annual Conf. IEEE on Industrial Electronics Society (IECON)Montreal, Canada, Oct. 25-28, pp. 1067-1072.
  18. J. Thongam, M. Tarbouchi, R. Beguenane, A. F. Okou, A. Merabet, P. Bouchard (2012). An optimum speed MPPT controller for variable speed PMSG wind energy conversion systems, 38th Annual Conf. IEEE on Industrial Electronics Society (IECON)Montreal, Canada, Oct. 25-28, pp. 4293 - 4297.
  19. A. MerabetR. KeebleR. Vigneshwaran, R. Beguenane, H. Ibrahim (2012). Logic based power management system for pitch controlled wind turbine, IEEE Electrical Power and Energy Conference, London, Canada, Oct. 10-12, pp. 280 - 284.
  20. H. Ibrahim, R. Beguenane, A. Merabet (2012). Technical and financial benefits of electrical energy storage, IEEE Electrical Power and Energy Conference, London, ON, Canada, Oct. 10-12, pp. 86-91.
  21. J. Thongam, R. Beguenane, F. Okou, M. Tarbouchi, A. Merabet, P. Bouchard (2012). A method of tracking maximum power points in variable speed wind energy conversion systems, Int. Symposium on Power Electronics, Electrical Drives, Automation and Motion, Sorrento, Italy, June 20-22, pp. 1095-1100.
  22. S. Meziane, R. Toufouti, A. Merabet, H. Benalla (2011). Cascaded nonlinear adaptive predictive control of induction motor based space vector modulation, Int. Conf. Automation and Mechatronics, Oran, Algeria, Nov. 22-24, pp. 1-7.
  23. A. Merabet, R. Beguenane, J. Thongam, H. Ibrahim (2011). Adaptive sliding mode speed control for wind turbine systems, 37th Annual Conference IEEE on Industrial Electronics Society (IECON), Melbourne, Australia, Nov. 7-10,  pp. 2461 - 2466.
  24. J. Thongam, P. Bouchard, R. Beguenane, A. F. Okou, A. Merabet (2011). Control of variable speed wind energy conversion system using a wind speed sensorless Optimum Speed MPPT control method, 37th Annual Conf. IEEE on Industrial Electronics Society (IECON), Melbourne, Australia, Nov. 7-10, pp. 855 - 860.
  25. A. Merabet, J. Thongam, J. Gu (2011). Torque and pitch angle control for variable speed wind turbines in all operating regimes, 10th International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering, Italy, May 8-11, pp. 284-288.
  26. A. Merabet, J. Thongam, A. Safaee, M. Pahlevaninezhad (2011). Robust decoupling strategy for speed control of permanent magnet synchronous generator in wind energy conversion systems, IEEE International Electric Machines and Drives Conference, Nigara Falls, Canada, May 15-18, pp. 1123-1128.
  27. A. Merabet, J. Thongam (2010). Predictive tracking controller for induction generator in variable speed wind energy conversion systems, IEEE Electrical Power and Energy Conference, Halifax, Canada, Aug. 25-27, pp. 1-6.