
Saint Mary's University is proud to present the tenth Annual Dan MacLennan Memorial Lecture in Astronomy:

MacLennan Lecture 2024

Astronomy, International Law, and Space Sustainability

The rapid expansion into outer space benefits society, opens pathways to scientific discoveries, and advances economic opportunities. But this rapid expansion also sets the stage for multiple, intersecting environmental tragedies: the loss of dark and radio-quiet skies, space debris and collision risks on orbit, space weaponization, casualty risks from reentering rocket bodies and satellites, and atmospheric changes from both launches and reentries.  Astronomers are in a unique position to speak up about many of these negative consequences, but sky watchers and the broader public also have a role in the global effort to preserve dark and radio-quiet skies and promote stewardship of Earth and Space. In this talk we’ll summarize the intersecting challenges of space expansionism and what legal and policy mechanisms are already in place that can be used to develop meaningful protections for the Earth-Space environment.    

Featured guest speaker Dr. Aaron Boley is an Associate Professor, UBC Physics and Astronomy; Co-Director, 
Outer Space Institute; and Co-Author, Who Owns Outer Space? 

Date: Thursday, November 28, 2024

Time: 7:00 p.m. 

Price: Free of charge

CBC: Listen to the broadcast of this excellent lecture here:

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