Canada Research Chairs Program
In keeping with the Canada Research Chairs (CRC) Program requirements, Saint Mary’s University is providing here documents that have been prepared and submitted to CRC Program which outline Saint Mary’s commitment to Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Transparency when it comes to CRC allocations, recruitment, selection and hiring of our Canada Research Chairs.
Current Saint Mary’s University utilization of Canada Research Chairs:
A document which outlines the current Saint Mary’s University utilization of Canada Research Chairs, showing our CRC allocations and the names of our chairholders in these positions (including their term start end end dates), can be downloaded here:
Following are all publicly-posted advertisements for open CRC positions at Saint Mary’s University over the last 5 years:
- Posting closed in January 2024: Tier 2, focused on Global Change Biology (open for external and internal candidates)
Saint Mary’s University’s Statement of Commitment to Equity, Diversity and Inclusion:
Saint Mary’s has a culture of respect that acknowledges diversity and cultural intersection, and that supports civil dialogue. Saint Mary’s University is committed to the promotion of a safe and respectful learning and work environment, valuing diversity and encouraging compassion, empathy and respect. Further, Saint Mary’s University remains committed to the principles of Employment Equity and promoting a fair and inclusive workplace, free from discriminatory barriers; this commitment to Employment Equity means we seek to achieve equality by eliminating barriers to employment which have existed for certain groups, particularly Aboriginal people, persons with disabilities, members of visible minorities and women.
Saint Mary's University’s Strategic Initiative #2 on Intercultural Learning includes a university-wide initiative to promote diversity, both within the student body and employees.
Strategy for Raising Awareness of SMU’s Commitment to – and the Benefits of – Equity, Diversity and Inclusion:
Saint Mary’s strategy to raise awareness consists of but is not limited to consulting and communicating with the various stakeholders, publishing information on webpages, information sessions, departmental meetings and training.
In addition, Saint Mary's University’s commitment to equity, diversity and inclusiveness is detailed through the Safe and Respectful at Saint Mary’s initiative, including a Declaration of Respect (found here: , which has involved extensive consultations across the university community during its development. Many relevant results, reports, and commitments are posted here: (including reports from the President’s Council and the Action Team)
The importance of respect, diversity, cultural intersection and civil dialogue are prominently highlighted in the Saint Mary's University Strategic Plan 2024-29, posted here:
Saint Mary's University’s specific commitment to Employment Equity – which applies to all areas of hiring across campus, including Canada Research Chairs – is posted here:
Following are web-links to important information and practices of the Canada Research Chair Program (CRCP):
- CRCP’s Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Requirements and Practices
- The 2019 Addendum to the 2006 Canadian Human Rights Settlement Agreement with the CRCP
- CRCP’s overall Program Representational Statistics
- CRCP’s population-based Institutional Equity Targets 2021-2029
- CRCP’s Requirements for recruiting and nominating CRCs
The most recent Saint Mary’s University’s Action Plan with respect to addressing Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion for the Canada Research Chair program – including details around Chair replacement and recruitment processes - can be found here:
This EDI Action Plan was last updated on 12 June 2020. As is indicated in the Introduction of the Plan itself, the Plan should not be viewed as a static document, but rather one which will be frequently under review and discussion, and then updated as areas of improvement are highlighted and identified – earlier iterations of this Action Plan can be found near the bottom of this webpage.
Committed Equity Targets for the 2021-2019 Period, as submitted to CRC Program:
The CRC program’s required Equity Targets for 2022, 2025, 2027 and 2029 were submitted in June 2021. The submitted Targets can be found here:
SMU-CRC Equity Targets - PublicPost June2021.pdf
Development and Approval Process of the CRC EDI Action Plan:
The Associate Vice-President Research, and Dean of Graduate Studies and Research, bears primary responsibility for ensuring the development and preparation of the CRC EDI Action Plan for Saint Mary’s, and does so in close collaboration with the university’s Diversity and Inclusion Advisor. The Plan is developed with input from various stakeholder groups as outlined in the Plan itself, and then is submitted for approval by the Vice-President Academic and Research (VPAR); final approval is provided by the VPAR following receiving endorsement from the Executive Management Group of the university.
Saint Mary’s University Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Equity Targets and Gaps:
CRC Total: 5 |
Targets |
Numbers |
Representation |
Gaps |
Visible Minorities |
15.0% |
1 |
** |
** |
Women & Gender -Equity Seeking Groups |
31.0% |
2 |
** |
** |
Indigenous Peoples |
1.0% |
0 |
** |
** |
Persons with Disabilities |
4.0% |
0 |
** |
** |
** Per the CRC Program and in keeping with the Privacy Act, numbers lower than five were removed to protect the privacy of chairholders.
Saint Mary’s University Recruitment Policies and Procedures governing staffing of Canada Research Chairs positions (other than specific policies of the Canada Research Chair Program):
The recruitment process for Canada Research Chairs primarily follows that mandated for all faculty positions in the SMUFU/SMU Collective Agreement, Article 10.1.20 – the Collective Agreement is posted here:
Some changes from the exact process outlined in Article 10.1.20 are implemented for CRCs, and these changes must be requested for approval from the Saint Mary’s University Faculty Union prior to initiating a CRC search. These changes are as follows:
- To best ensure an open and transparent recruitment and selection process for CRCs, search committees for a Chair within a particular department will be comprised of all Department members holding appropriate appointments, rather than a committee of three members – this is allowed under Article 10.1.20(d), but will mandated due to the position being a CRC rather than at the Department’s discretion.
- For CRC positions within an interdisciplinary area that could be filled by a researcher associated with more than one Department, the role of Department members in the selection process will be accomplished using a pre-defined/preapproved list of faculty members associated with the interdisciplinary area/program.
- The Associate Vice-President Research will participate as a non-voting member of the search committee.
- The CRC position will by “supernumery” and not count toward a Department’s normal faculty allotment.
- The advertisement for the position must be approved by Associate Vice-President Research and Vice-President Academic and Research.
Concerns / Complaints:
- Concerns related to equity, diversity, and inclusion:
- These can be directed to the Diversity and Inclusion Advisor, Human Resources Department under the Employment Equity and Diversity Policy # 6-2023.
- Concerns related to the Policy on Conflict Resolution and the Prevention and Resolution of Harassment and Discrimination:
- These can be directed to the Conflict Resolution Advisor, under the Policy on Conflict Resolution and the Prevention and Resolution of Harassment and Discrimination policy # 6-2013.
- These policies allow for informal and formal resolution to complaints:
- The Advisors are responsible for providing conflict resolution support to affected parties and collaborating as needed with other areas such as faculty relations.
- The Advisors consult with the Associate Vice-President, People and Culture (formerly, the Senior Director of Human Resources) and when necessary, complaints are escalated.
- Monitoring of complaints is conducted by Human Resources.
- Annual statistical reports are provided to senior leaders.
Contact Information:
Contact Information for questions about this CRC EDI Action Plan:
Adam J. Sarty, Ph.D.
Associate Vice-President, Research
Dean, Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research
Saint Mary's University
Atrium Building, Room 210
923 Robie Street
Halifax, NS B3H 3C3
Contact Information for questions about Equity, Diversity and Inclusion:
Deborah Brothers-Scott
Diversity and Inclusion Advisor
Saint Mary's University,
129 McNally South
923 Robie Street
Halifax, NS, B3H 3C3
Below, we provide earlier postings to this site which chronicle the development and Progress of the SMU Canada Research Chairs EDI Action Plan and Transparency initiatives:
In keeping with the Canada Research Chairs (CRC) Program requirements surrounding Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Public Accountability and Transparency, please find in this PDF file information related to the management of Saint Mary’s University CRC allocations:
SMU - Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, Transparency - Statement.
- EDI ACTION PLAN: Past postings and Progress Reports:
The development of the Saint Mary’s University’s Action Plan with respect to addressing Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion for the Canada Research Plan – and any Progress Reports – can be found here:
(original Action Plan, posted 15 Dec 2017): SMU-CRC-Action-Plan-Dec2017
(updated Action Plan v2, posted 17 Dec 2018): SMU-CRC-Action-Plan-Dec2018
Progress Report (Dec 2017 – Dec 2018): Institutional_EDI_Progress_Report-SMU
(updated Action Plan v3, posted 27 Sept 2019: SMU-CRC-Action-Plan-Sept2019
- Summary of EDI Action Plan target items, in the 27 Sept 2019 version of the Action Plan (Appendix A of that Plan): SMU-CRC-Action-Plan-SUMMARY-Sept-2019
- 2022 EDI Action Plan Progress Report (submitted December 2023):
- Full Progress Report as submitted
- 2021-22 EDI Action Plan Progress Report (submitted June 2022):
- Full Progress Report as submitted
- 2020-21 EDI Action Plan Progress Report (submitted May 2021):
- Full Progress Report as submitted
- Easier to read Components of the Progress Report provided here:
- Objective 1 : Strengthen Institutional commitment to Equity, Diversity and Inclusion.
- Objective 2 : Meet or exceed the Canada Research Chairs equity targets for women, persons with disabilities, members of visible minorities and Indigenous Peoples.
- Objective 3 : Ensure sufficient EDI tools and training for all members of CRC and faculty recruitment committees.
- Objective 4 : Enhance existing data collection tools and reporting mechanisms to ensure robust availability of data.
- Objective 5 : Build on existing initiatives to ensure a supportive and inclusive environment for Chairholders.
- Other Challenges / Issues / Barriers associated with progress on the EDI Action Plan.