History Society
Mission Statement:
The Saint Mary's History Society is open to all history majors, minors, honours, and any other interested Saint Mary’s students. The intention of the society is to further the student’s appreciation of history as a discipline and to foster and broaden historic knowledge and interests. By hosting a variety of events, it is our goal to help students network with peers, professors and members of the historic Halifax community.
The student-run History Society is always looking for new members. Please email smuhistorysociety@gmail.com for more information on how to get involved or you may contact Lydia Ferguson or Flynn Walthour.
We also invite you to join the SMU History Society on Facebook and Instagram.
History Society
2021-22 Executive
Co-Presidents: Lydia Ferguson and Flynn Walthour
2018-19 Executive
President: Joshua Laska
Vice-President: Isaac Cook
Treasurer: Nick Drane
Communications: Kyle Ford
Secretary: Riley Murphy
Past Events
- McNab's Island Tour
- Essay Writing Workshop
- Trivia Nights
- Career Workshop: What Can You Do With A History Degree?
- Exam Writing Workshop
- Pier 21 Museum Visit
- Maritime Museum of the Atlantic Visit
History Society Executives, 2010-2017
President Crissinda Crant
Vice-President Shawna Fowler
Vice-President Amanda Theriault
Treasurer Cynthia Thibodeau
Secretary Chuck Peng
President Crissinda Crant
Vice-President Stefanie Slaunwhite
Treasurer Krista Walker
Secretary Kyle Massia
Fundraising Shauna Fowler
President Stefanie Slaunwhite
Vice-President Krista Walker
Treasurer Shannon Phenix
Secretary Braeden Joiner
President Shannon Phenix
Vice-President Michael de Moss
Treasurer Michelle Lemieux
Secretary Kelly-Anne MacNeil
Communications Chantal Cote
President Michelle Lemieux
Vice-President Chantal Cote
President Breanna Denton
Vice President Philip Charles
Treasurer Emily Hillman
Secretary Kaitlin Westhaver
President Kirby Ross
Vice President Clara Leahy
Treasurer Philip Charles
Secretary Breanna Denton
Communications Pat Burton
President Kirby Ross
Vice President Paige Weatherbee
Communications Officer Nick Drane
Treasurer Josh Laska
Secretary Pat Burton