Scholarship & Funding Opportunities

Scholarships open to all Canadian Students

Fred & Ruth Stork Awards in German Studies

The WCGS International Opportunities Canadian Travel Grants, valued from $500 up to $1,500 per student, are awarded annually to full-time undergraduate or graduate students registered within the first four years of their program at a Canadian University. 

CSSG 2024 Stork recipients and Dr. Plews

The 2024 WCGS Fred & Ruth Stork Award winners with CSSG Director Dr. John L. Plews (right) in Kassel.

In fall 2021, the Canadian Government released new funds to Canadian universities called “Global Skills Opportunity Awards.” Please ask about this at your home university’s International Office. These awards are available for all, with targeted amounts for underrepresented groups (Indigenous students, students with diversabilities, and low income students).

Scholarships per University

The following scholarships are for students enrolled at the university offering the scholarship. For more information, scroll down to your university. 

Acadia University

Students are eligible for the Lad Javorek Memorial Award

University of Alberta

The University of Alberta offers two scholarships to support students wishing to attend the CSSG program. For more information, contact the University of Alberta International, Education Abroad office for details. 

  • Felix Weise Memorial Award
  • Canadian Summer School in Germany 35th Anniversary Award

If you have questions you can contact Jayla at:

Information about further individual awards for study abroad from the University of Alberta can be found here.

Bishop's University  

Bishop's University offers six travel bursaries to support students participating in exchanges. Additional information regarding the bursaries can be found here.  

Dalhousie University

Two awards listed on this page are available to CSSG students: The Study/Work International Fund and Emily Bevan Harrington Award.

Douglas College 

Douglas College has awards for their Canadian citizen and permanent resident students. 

University of Guelph 

There are relevant scholarships at the U of Guelph. More information can be found here

Mount Allison University

Those who are attending the CSSG may be eligible for bursaries and scholarships listed here.

University of Prince Edward Island

UPEI has scholarships for students studying abroad listed here.

Queen's University

Queen's has Study Abroad scholarships for students in the Faculties of Arts and Sciences, as well as General Exchange Bursaries. More information can be found here.

University of Regina 

The U of Regina has scholarships for students of the university. Undergraduate DatabaseGraduate Database

Saint Mary's University

SMU has several scholarships, as well as external funding sources.

University of Toronto 

There are many U of Toronto scholarships on the page found here.

University of Waterloo 

There are three scholarships for students of the U of Waterloo:

The David Johnston International Experience Awards

The U of Waterloo International Experience Awards

WCGS International Opportunities Travel Grant

Western University 

All funding for International programs can be found here

York University

Students can apply for specific funding if they are in the Liberal Arts and Professional Studies Program

Contact us
Canadian Summer School in Germany
Department of Languages and Cultures
Dr. John L. Plews
Mailing address:
923 Robie Street
Halifax, NS B3H 3C3