Current Student Resources

Psychology students are encouraged to take advantage of the following resources, in addition to academic supports offered to students from all faculties. First-year BSc in Psychology students also have access to the Science Numeracy and Academic Proficiency (SNAP) Centre and the Peer One Mentorship program.

Psychology Style Manual

Psychology students are encouraged to review the Psychology Style Manual‌ for advice on how to avoid plagiarism and how to properly format an essay or term paper.

Students are also welcome to visit Saint Mary’s Writing Centre for further writing support, including free, in-person academic support. 

Academic Advising

B.Sc. students are encouraged to visit the team at the Science Advising Centre. Arts students should visit the B.A. Advising Centre.

Students with questions about higher-level advising issues such as enrolment in the Honours Program should contact our Undergraduate Program Coordinator Dr. David Bourgeois at

Looking for more information?

Learn more about what you can do with a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology , and explore these external resources offered by the Canadian Psychological Association:

Contact us
Department of Psychology
Mailing address:
McNally Building South Wing (MS 323)
923 Robie Street, Halifax, NS
B3H 3C3

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