Residence FAQs

Individuals are required to abide by any and all University, federal and provincial government, Public Health, and NS Health authority COVID-related directives, guidelines, and regulations at all times.

Masks are welcome, but not required, in residence. 

Please review the applicable information from Nova Scotia Health regarding your situation:

Follow guidance and instructions provided by Public Health, including getting testing done as directed.

Housing & Residence does not track COVID isolations in residence or provide/manage isolation meals.

Residents required to isolate or "stay home" should arrange for their own isolation meals / food delivery and follow Public Health / NS Health guidelines.

Sick Meals for Residence Information.

Sick trays / sick meals can be arranged in advance for pick-up by filling out our COVID / SICK MEAL FORM. Collection and delivery of these sick tray meals are normally via friends/floormates or the student themselves (as long as they wear a mask while travelling to and from the dining hall / while picking up their meals).

*RESIDENCE APPLICATIONS for the 2024-25 Academic Year will open February 1, 2024.*

Students attending Saint Mary's who are interested in living in residence can apply online through our Housing Portal.

Please Note: New SMU students must first pay the admission deposit in order to activate their SMU credentials (S# and SMU email). These credentials will then allow them to access the Housing portal.

Bed spaces in residence are assigned based on a number of factors, including seniority and deposit date, but preferences are not guaranteed. If your preferences are not available, you will be assigned to any available bed space.

Students currently living in residence who wish to re-apply to live in residence the following academic year should check their SMU email in January for information on the re-application / seniority process.

No, but confirming sooner rather than later is important. Historically, there was an initial "deadline" for individuals to confirm a bed space in residence and to be included in the first round of room assignments for coming the academic year (September - April).

Recently, however, we have seen a substantial increase in the number of individuals confirming a bed space in residence (by submitting a signed residence agreement and residence confirmation deposit) at much earlier dates than in previous years. This means that our inventory of single rooms, and residence bed spaces in general, is filling up far more quickly.

As such, individuals should confirm their residence bed space offer as soon as possible, once they receive their offer. Residence applications for the 2024-25 Academic Year open February 1, 2024.

Students currently living in residence who wish to re-apply to live in residence the following academic year should check their SMU email in January for important information on the re-application / seniority process, including associated deadlines.

Residence fees get applied to your student account for the fall term in mid-to late-August (mid-December for the winter term) and are paid the same way you would pay for your tuition. The payment options are available on the Service Centre webpage. 

Depending on the type of room/bed space you have been assigned in residence, your room fees will differ. You can locate room fee specifics HERE.

Possibly, though unfortunately there is no guarantee of this. If a student applies and confirms a space in residence very early, their chances of being placed in the residence and room type of their choice increase.   

Please note, however, that preferred room types, floors, or buildings are not guaranteed. Not all students who apply for single rooms will be placed in single rooms, as we have more applications for these bed spaces than available rooms.


In Loyola North, approximately 23 students will live on your floor. However, this residence is divided into four suites per floor, so you will only share your bathroom with up to five other students.

In Vanier, approximately 18 students will live on your floor. However, this residence is divided into three suites per floor, so you will only share your bathroom with up to five other students.

In Rice, approximately 23 students will live on your floor. However, this residence is apartment-style, so you will only share your bathroom with two or three other students, depending upon your apartment type.


Please see the chart below for a general guide to bed/mattress sizes in our residences.

Room Type Bed / Mattress Size
Loyola North Single / Double Twin Long (33" x 82")
Loyola South Senior Apt Single Twin (33" x 76")
Loyola South Senior Apt Super Single Double (54" x 80")
Vanier Single / Double Twin (33" x 76")
Vanier Senior Apt Single Twin (33" x 76")
Vanier Senior Apt Super Single Double (54" x 80")
Rice Single / Double Twin (33" x 76")
Rice Super Single Double (54" x 80")

Please see the chart below for a general guide to floor types/designations in our residences for 2024-25 Academic Year. (H&CS may adjust floor designations as required / if required.)


LOYOLA SOUTH  Floor Designation for AY 2024-25
Loyola South 3 Regular Coed
Loyola South 4 Regular Coed
Loyola South 7 Regular Coed
Loyola South 8 Regular Coed
Loyola South 9 Regular Coad
Loyola South 10 Regular Coed
Loyola South 19 All-Female Quiet Alcohol-Free
Loyola South 20 All-Female Quiet Alcohol-Free


LOYOLA NORTH  Floor Designation for AY 24-25
Loyola North 4 Regular Coed
Loyola North 5 Regular Coed
Loyola North 6 Regular Coed
Loyola North 7 Regular Coed
Loyola North 8 Regular Coed
Loyola North 9 Regular Coed
Loyola North 10 Regular Coed
Loyola North 11 Regular Coed
Loyola North 12 Regular Coed
Loyola North 13 Regular Coed
Loyola North 14 Regular Coed
Loyola North 15 Coed Alcohol-Free
Loyola North 16 Regular Coed
Loyola North 17 Regular Coed
Loyola North 18 All-Female Quiet
Loyola North 19 All-Female Quiet Alcohol-Free
Loyola North 20 All-Female Quiet Alcohol-Free
Loyola North 21 Coed Quiet
Loyola North 22 Coed Quiet


RICE Floor Designation for AY 24-25
Rice 2 All-Male Quiet Alcohol-Free
Rice 3 Regular Coed
Rice 4 Regular Coed
Rice 5 Regular Coed
Rice 6 Regular Coed
Rice 7 Regular Coed
Rice 8 Regular Coed
Rice 9 Regular Coed
Rice 10 Regular Coed
Rice 11 Regular Coed
Rice 12 All-Female
Rice 13 Regular Coed
Rice 14 Coed Quiet
Rice 15 Coed Quiet
Rice 16 Coed Quiet
Rice 17 Coed Quiet


VANIER  Floor Designation for AY 24-25
Vanier A2 Regular Coed
Vanier A3 Regular Coed
Vanier A4 Regular Coed
Vanier BG Regular Coed
Vanier B2 Regular Coed
Vanier B3 Coed Quiet Alcohol-Free
Vanier B4 Regular Coed
Vanier C2 All-Female Quiet Alcohol-Free
Vanier C3 Regular Coed
Vanier C4 Coed Quiet Alcohol-Free
Vanier DG Regular Coed
Vanier D2 Regular Coed
Vanier D3 Coed Quiet Alcohol-Free
Vanier D4 All-Male Quiet Alcohol-Free

More information on campus tours, which include our residences, is available on the Campus Tours webpage

Unfortunately, given our facilities operate throughout the year (including the summer months) and the complex logistics involved in turning over 1000 beds, we are not able to show residents their specifically assigned bed spaces/rooms prior to their assigned check-in dates. However, we do have 2 dedicated tour rooms that are included in campus tours: a Loyola Single and a Vanier Double. 

Our laundry machines are card-operated. There are card vending and loading machines in front of the Loyola Residence Desk that allow residents to purchase a loadable laundry card and then add value (money) to their laundry card using a credit or debit card.

Residents can also register online through Coinamatic, our laundry provider, to add value online at

Laundry cards are available for purchase during move-in weekend in the fall and the card vending machine allows residents to purchase a replacement card throughout the year.

The Residence Mailroom is located in Henn Alley. Residents pick up their mail from the Residence Mailroom. A mail clerk is available at certain times to distribute packages which do not fit into individual resident mailboxes. Mailroom hours of operation are posted outside the mailroom.

The Residence Mailroom is NOT able to accept any mail, packages, or other items that require a 19+ signature. Anything delivered to the Residence Mailroom requiring a 19+ signature will be immediately returned to sender.

The Residence Mailroom / Housing Office / Loyola Residence Desk / University are NOT able to accept any delivered items, perishable mail, packages, or other deliveries / items (such as prepared meal boxes, flowers, etc.).

Unfortunately, we are not able to hold or forward mail for individuals after they have checked out of residence. Before checking out of residence, individuals should make sure they have provided a forwarding mail address to anyone who needs it and / or redirected mail / parcels appropriately.



The mailing address for students in all three residences is:

Full Name

Room #, Residence / Building Name

Saint Mary's University

923 Robie Street

Halifax, NS  B3H 3C3


Individuals should ensure that mail is properly addressed. Please note that improperly or incorrectly addressed mail, including mail addressed to individuals not currently listed as living in residence, will be returned to sender.



Individuals ordering from Amazon must have their Amazon orders shipped to the Amazon Hub Locker location here on the Saint Mary’s campus. They cannot be shipped / processed via the regular Residence Mailroom.

Our Amazon Hub Locker is located by the Rice Residence Entrance on Gorsebrook Avenue. This shipping option is available when checking out with Amazon.



Packages and deliveries from couriers (FedEx, UPS, DHS, Intelcom, etc.) must be collected directly from the courier or delivery service by the resident receiving them. The Residence Mailroom / Housing Office / Loyola Residence Desk / University Mailroom are NOT able to accept any delivery service or courier-delivered items.

Individuals should ensure they have provided a phone number to the courier or delivery service (so they can be contacted by delivery personal) and courier-delivered items are able to be picked up immediately at the time of delivery from the courier / delivery service by the resident in question. If a resident is unable to accept their courier delivery at the time it arrives at the residence complex, the resident and the courier will have to make alternate arrangements for a new delivery time.

The address to provide for couriers and delivery services is:

Full Name

Room #, Residence / Building Name

Saint Mary's University

5907 Gorsebrook Avenue

Halifax, NS  B3H 1G3

Sometimes roommates find it awkward or uncomfortable to speak directly to their roommate about issues that are occurring in their room or on the floor. The mediation process is a great way for roommates to directly and respectfully address their concerns with each other in a safe, structured manner. Residence Assistants (RAs) have received training to facilitate this type of confidential meeting in an unbiased, non-confrontational, and non-judgemental manner. They will also make sure the meeting stays on track and that the meeting guidelines are being followed. Here is a brief overview of a typical mediation session:

  • RA reviews guidelines for meeting (i.e. one person talks at a time, be respectful, no interrupting, no name-calling, telling the truth, etc.).
  • First person states their concerns - RA clarifies and paraphrases.
  • Second person states their concerns - RA clarifies and paraphrases.
  • Both parties agree upon the key issues that need to be addressed.
  • Both parties work together to brainstorm ideas to resolve each issue, one at a time.
  • RA writes up what was agreed upon - roommate contract - and each party signs.
  • Either party can request to re-visit agreement in the future, if it is not working.

Residents are expected to occupy the room and bed assigned to them by the Housing & Residence. However, if students are experiencing problems with their particular room assignment they can apply for a room change. Please note there is no guarantee that room changes can be accommodated, as they are addressed based on available space.

All room changes must be pre-authorized by Housing & Residence.

Room change request information is available from the Housing & Residence Office (LR114) in late September, via email, a few weeks after classes begin. Request for room changes will not be considered before this time. 

Room changes are prioritized at the discretion of Housing & Residence, based on the needs of all those who apply (not just on a first come first serve basis). Naturally, all room changes are also subject to the availability of alternate accommodation. Unfortunately, not all room change requests are able to be accommodated.

A NOV is normally a monetary fine, usually ranging from $50 to $100, issued for minor violations of Residence policies and/or community standards (which are outlined in the Residence Code of Conduct in the Residence Handbook). NOVs are issued by Admin Staff, Residence Services Officers (RSOs), Residence Assistants (RAs), and/or Residence Coordinators (RCs).

Individuals can complete modules in our Student Learning Opportunities Program to reduce or eliminate the financial components of NOVs if they wish. The NOV becomes payable to a student’s account after 14 days (and is payable online using Self-Service Banner or in person to the Service Centre).

A student who is issued four NOVs within one Academic year will have their residence status reviewed and may be dismissed from Residence at the discretion of the Director.

If you feel that you are receiving a NOV undeservingly it is in your best interest not to dispute the fact with the staff issuing the Notice of Violation. Arguing with staff members may result in additional NOVs for being uncooperative with Residence Staff.

Once you receive your copy of the NOV, please refer to the appeal instructions noted.

Please review the Residence Handbook, including the Residence Code of Conduct, to find out what your rights and responsibilities are as a resident.

Normally, yes, you may have overnight guests, however, you must remember that you are responsible for your guests' actions while they are in residence. They are subject to residence rules and regulations as well. Any misconduct of your guest will be your responsibility.

It is the basic right of every student to have privacy in his/her assigned room. No student should feel obligated to relinquish this right. In a shared accommodation, overnight guests and visitors are allowed only with the consent of all roommates. Further to this, an overnight guest or visitor may be asked at any time to leave the room in the interest of preserving privacy.

Your guest is allowed in residence for two consecutive nights (assuming you have the consent of all roommates). Should you wish to have them stay longer, you must contact Housing & Residence to gain permission.