HR & Payroll Forms


Employment Forms

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Form Name



Hiring Authorization Form

To initiate the hiring process for existing positions, as well as contract, temporary and new positions, Human Resources require the Hiring Authorization Form.

Fillable Form

Hiring Authorization for Non-Student Casual Employee

This form is required to initiate the casual hiring of Non-Student Casual employee. 

Fillable Form

Employment Equity Workforce Survey

Survey to determine the representation of aboriginal persons, persons with disabilities, members of visible minorities, and women at Saint Mary's University

Fillable Form  

Self-Identification Questionnaire for Applicants of Academic Positions

Questionnaire for applicants to Faculty positions.

Fillable Form


Employee Action Form

Complete form to make changes to demographic/address information, payroll direct deposit details, and/or to request a name change. Completed form is returned to HR.

Employee Action Form

Human Resources Salary Paid Employees Letter Request Form

Salary paid employees complete this form if requesting confirmation of employment and/or earnings. Completed form is returned to HR at 

Fillable Request Form

Application for Leave, Overtime & Payment Request      Forms

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Form Name



Administrative, Professional and Confidential (APC) Staff and APC Contract Staff



Vacation Carryover(AP Confidential Staff)

Administrative, Professional and Confidential (APC) Staff and APC Contract Staff this form when requesting vacation leave 



Administrative and Professional staff complete this form when requesting carryover

Fillable Form





Fillable Form


Sick Leave (APC Contract Employees)

 APC Contract Staff this form when requesting sick leave 

Fillable Form


Application for Leave, Overtime & Payment Request: Facilities Management (NSGEU 170, CUPE 4491 & CUPE 4388)


Facilities Management complete this form when requesting annual leave, sick time, overtime/lieu, as well as overtime record and payment requests.


Available in paper copy only.


Application for Leave, Overtime & Payment Request: NSGEU 79 and Confidential Staff


NSGEU 79 and Confidential Staff complete this form when requesting annual leave, sick time, overtime/lieu, as well as overtime and payment requests.



Fillable Form



Compassionate Leave - Administrative Professional and Confidential Staff


Administrative Professional and Confidential Staff use this form when submitting a request to their supervisor for Compassionate Leave.


Fillable Form


Benefits Forms

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 Form Name



Medavie Blue Cross Application for Group Benefits (Health & Dental)



Complete if applying for the University's health and dental plan.  Return completed form to Human Resources.


Fillable Form

Medavie Blue Cross Direct Deposit Request Form


Complete if you wish to have your health and dental claims reimbursed directly your bank account through direct deposit. Completed form is mailed directly to Blue Cross for processing.


Fillable Form

Medavie Blue Cross Dependent Registration Form


Complete the Dependent Registration Card if your dependent child is greater than 20 years of age and less than 26 years of age and is attending University/College on a full-time basis for the upcoming academic year. Completed form is returned to Human Resources.



Fillable Form

Medavie Blue Cross Change Form


Complete if requesting change of plan coverage (i.e. add or remove dependents). Form is completed and returned to Human Resources.


Change Form

Group Life & Critical Illness Insurance Forms

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Manulife Beneficiary Designation Form

Form is used to designate or make changes to beneficiaries for group life insurance or optional life insurance. Beneficiary form must be completed for each life insurance benefit and returned to Human Resources.


Fillable Form

Application for Optional Life Insurance for Plan Member and Dependents

To be completed by employees who are applying for and/or cancelling spousal or dependent life insurance. 


Fillable Form

Optional Spousal & Dependent Life Insurance Enrolment/Change Form

To be completed by employees who are applying for and/or cancelling spousal or dependent life insurance. 

Fillable Form

SSQ Voluntary Critical Illness Application Form

To be completed by employees applying and/or increasing/decreasing Critical Illness Insurance. Completed form is returned to Human Resources.


Fillable Form

Pension Forms

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Form Name Description Download
Sun Life Trustee Form

Form is used to appoint a Trustee for your pension beneficiary if the beneficiary appointed is a minor. Completed form is returned to Human Resources.


Acrobat .pdf


Sun Life Change of Records Form


Complete form to make changes to pension voluntary contributions, marital status and/or beneficiary designations.



Fillable Form


Or visit and update your Beneficiary Info (under the Quick Links drop down menu).



Job Evaluation Forms

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Form Name Description Download
Job Evaluation Fact Sheet NSGEU Staff

Completed by the immediate supervisor and department head and returned to HR for evaluation and assignment of provisional rating for a new position.


NSGEU Job Fact Sheet
Job Evaluation Fact Sheet Administrative/Professional Staff

Completed by the immediate supervisor and department head and returned to HR for evaluation and assignment of provisional rating for a new position.

APC Job Evaluation Fact Sheet

Job Evaluation Appeal Form (JEAF)

Completed if the employee or supervisor disagree with the results of the job evaluation review. Completed form must be forwarded to HR within ten days of the receipt of the evaluation results.


Job Evaluation Appeal Form (JEAF)  

Payroll Forms

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Form Name Description Download

Bi-weekly Time Report

This form must be accompanied by the Casual Employee Action & Change Form when first being submitted. Completed by department for employees whose hours are submitted every 2 weeks. It is used to pay a casual employee whose hours and dollars are not predetermined. It must be submitted to Payroll Services on or before the cut-off dates to be processed for the applicable pay date.


Bi-Weekly Time Report  

Casual Employee Action & Change Form


This form must be filled out for all new casual employees and all casual employees whose rate of pay or budget information is changing. This is not the form required If the casual employee is a student marker, demonstrator, or teaching assistant. This form must be accompanied by either a Fixed Remuneration or Bi-Weekly form in order to pay the employee.



Casual Employee Action & Change Form

Banking Information Change Form


This form is used for employees who wish to change their direct deposit information. Please note that payroll cutoff dates apply.

Banking Information Change Form

Payroll Services Letter Request Form

Completed by hourly paid employees requesting confirmation of employment and/or earnings. Completed form is returned to Payroll Services.

Fillable Request Form  


Student Marker Form


This form is used for casual employees who are hired to do any of the following jobs: Teaching Assistants, Student Makers and Demonstrators. This form includes all necessary information; therefore, it does not need to be accompanied by a Casual Employee Action & Change form. Departments must submit correct and complete information to Payroll Services on or before the cut-off dates to be processed for the applicable pay date.


Student Marker Form  

Fixed Remuneration Form

This form must be accompanied by the Casual Employee Action & Change Form when first being submitted. It is used to pay a casual employee whose hours and dollars remain constant over a period of time. Service worked from and to dates need to be included and the total bi-weekly amounts must add up to the Total Remuneration. Completed form is submitted to Payroll Services.

Fixed Remuneration Form - Legal Sized





Social Insurance Number Application Form

This form is provided by the Human Resources Social Development Center for employees who do not have a Social Insurance Number. This application needs to be filled out and brought to the Service Canada Centre.


Fillable PDF

Labour Redistribution Request Form

This form is used to correct labour distribution errors. Please complete and forward to Financial Planning for approval.

Labour Redistribution Reques tForm  

Tax Forms

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Form Name Description Download

TD1 Federal Personal Tax Credit Form


Form is used to determine the amount of federal tax deductions. Completed form is returned to the Payroll Services.



TD1 Provincial Personal Tax Credit Form


Form is used to determine the amount of provincial tax deductions. Completed form is returned to the Payroll Services.




Worksheet for Federal Personal Tax Credit Form


Complete this worksheet if you want to calculate partial claims for your federal TD1 form. This form is for employees’ calculation of tax deductions. Keep form for your records only.


2024 WS

Worksheet for Provincial Personal Tax Credit Form


Complete this worksheet if you want to calculate partial claims for your provincial TD1 form. This form is for employees’ calculation of tax deductions. Keep form for your records only.


2024 WS

Payroll Schedules Back to top
Form Name Description Download

Casual Employee Payment Schedule

Payroll schedule for all hourly casual employees. Hourly paid employees will not be paid to and including pay day.



Cut-off Schedules for payroll submission

Payroll Schedule for all employees. Departments must submit correct and complete information to Payroll Services on or before the cut-off dates to be processed for the next pay date.




Payroll Schedule for Part-time and Overload Contracts

Payroll Schedule for Part-time and Overload Contract Employees. Departments must submit correct and complete information to Payroll Services on or before the cut-off dates to be processed for the next pay date.


2024 - 2025

Teaching Assistant / Student Marker / Demonstrator Schedule

Payroll Schedule for Teaching Assistants, Student Markers and Demonstrators. Departments must submit correct and complete information to Payroll Services on or before the cut-off dates to be processed for the next pay date.


2024 - 2025


Other Forms (some available only in hardcopy in HR office) Back to top
Form Name Description Download
WCB Accident Report If employee is covered by WCB, an Accident Report must be completed if the employee misses time or seeks medical attention due to a work related accident. Completed forms are returned to HR.

Available on the WCB Web site; hard copy also available in Human Resources.

Health and Safety Injury/Incident Report form

Form is completed for all injuries, incidents or near misses. Original completed form is returned to Human Resources or to the Occupational Health and Safety Program Manager.

Acrobat .pdf

Tuition Waiver Form (credit courses)

Form is completed to receive applicable discount for tuition of credit courses for eligible employees and/or dependants.**Please ensure completed form is forwarded by email to for signature

Fillable Form

Continuing Education Tuition Discount Application Form (non-credit courses)


Form is completed to receive applicable discount for tuition of non-credit courses for eligible employees. **Please ensure completed form is forwarded by email to for signature

Fillable Form

CUPE 3912 - Article 24.04 - Application

Form is completed to receive disability payment (CUPE 3912) when the employee is not covered by any other disability plan.


Acrobat .pdf

Contact us

Human Resources
(902) 496-8116
Mailing address:
Saint Mary's University
McNally South 111
923 Robie Street
Halifax NS B3H 3C3