Alphabetical Listing of Policies and Guidelines
A | B | C | D | E | F | G-H | I-J | K-L | M-O | P | Q-R | S | T | U-V | W-Z |
Most recent new or revised policies (updated February 10, 2025):
Respectful and Inclusive Workplace Policy (Policy 6-2026) - NEW!
University Code of Conduct (Policy 6-2027) - NEW!
Records Management (Policy 12-015) - NEW!
Policy 8-1026 Academic Accommodations for Students with Disabilities - NEW!
Policy 12-012 Appointment and Review of Academic Administrators - NEW!
Policy 12-013 Appointment of Administrative Vice Presidents - NEW!
- Policy 8-1026 Academic Accommodations for Students with Disabilities
- Senate Policy on the Creation of the Academic Calendar of Events (Policy 8-1024)
- Academic Regulations - Graduate
- Academic Regulations - Undergraduate
- Acceptance, Gifts (Policy 11-1001)
- Access Card Control (Policy 3-1022)
- Accommodations (Policy 4-3004)
- Account Number Listing - FOAP (Policy 4-2007)
- Account Number Structure - FOAP (Policy 4-4001)
- Activity - Political (Policy 5-1001)
- Administrative Staff
- Advance Requests (Policy 4-3001)
- Adverse Events - Research Ethics Board Policy and Procedures (Policy 9-1004)
- Advertising - Commercial Advertising in Campus Facilities (Policy 3-1006)
- Age Consent Guidelines - Research Ethics Board (Policy 9-1001)
- Aids in the Workplace (Policy 6-2004)
- Air (Indoor) Quality Concerns (Policy 3-4016)
- Alcohol - Saint Mary's University - Liquor Policy Statement (Policy 5-1003)
- Alcohol- Saint Mary's University Drug and Alcohol Policy (Policy 6-2017)
- Animal Use: Pedagogical Merit Review of Animal Use Protocols for Teaching and Training (Policy 8-1022)
- Animal Use: Scientific Merit Review of Animal Use Protocols for Research, Testing and Monitoring (Policy 8-1023)
- Apparel, Code of Conduct for Vendors of Crested Apparel and Giftware (Policy 2-3002)
- Policy 12-012 Appointment and Review of Academic Administrators
- Policy 12-013 Appointment of Administrative Vice Presidents
- Athlete Meal Subsidy - Travel (Policy 4-3016)
- Atrium Display Case Policy (Policy 3-2000)
- Authorized Signatures (Policy 4-2009)
- Awarding of Posthumous Degrees (Policy 8-1018)
- Background Checks (Policy 6-2015)
- Bags - Handling of Suspicious Parcels, Letters or Bags (Policy 3-1050)
- Banking Policy (Policy 4-5001)
- Banners - Campus Aesthetics (Policy 3-5002)
- Banners - Posters (Policy 3-1033)
- Benefits - Payroll (Policy 6-1002)
- Board of Governors Policies
- Board of Governors Charter Policy
- Board of Governors Code of Conduct Policy
- Board of Governors Recruitment and Appointments Policy
- Policy on Terms for Governors (Policy 12-007)
- Policy 12-010 Signing Authority Policy
- Policy 12-011 Spending Authority Policy
- Legal Resources Policy (Policy 12-002)
- Policy 12-012 Appointment and Review of Academic Administrators
- Policy 12-013 Appointment of Administrative Vice Presidents
- Policy 12-009 Safe Disclosure Policy
- Board Committees Appointments Policy
- Bookstore - Policy on Return or Refund of Books (Policy 2-3001)
- Brand Policy (Policy 11-1004)
- Budget / Expenditure Adjustments (Policy 4-2005)
- Budget Classifications and Definitions (Policy 4-2004)
- Budget Control
- Account Number Listing - FOAP (Policy 4-2007)
- Budget / Expenditure Adjustments (Policy 4-2005)
- Budget Responsibility (Policy 4-2003)
- Capital Expenditure Request (Policy 4-2010)
- Capital Purchases: Funding Carried Forward (Policy 4-2011)
- Capital Purchases - Substitutions (Policy 4-2012)
- Fiscal Year End (Policy 4-2006)
- Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) (Policy 4-2008)
- Payment Request Form (Policy 4-2002)
- Signing Authority (Policy 4-2009)
- Bulletin Boards
- Call Detail Reports - Telephone (Policy 2-1006)
- Cats - Domesticated Pets (Policy 3-1056)
- Campus Aesthetics (Policy 3-5002)
- Candle Usage (Policy 3-1005)
- Cannabis- Student Cannabis Policy (Policy 6-2018)
- Capital
- Expenditure Request (Policy 4-2010)
- Construction Projects- Estimate Preparation for Major Capital Construction (Policy 3-5006)
- Construction Projects- Fiscal Control of Major Capital Construction (Policy 3-5007)
- Purchases (Policy 4-1020)
- Purchases - Funding Carried Forward (Policy 4-2011)
- Renewal Submissions, Prioritization and Approval (Policy 3-5001)
- Substitutions (Policy 4-2012)
- Cash and Credit
- Cash Print Jobs (Policy 2-4004)
- Casual/Part-time Employment - Payroll Procedures (6-1004)
- Catering Services - Request (Policy 4-2001)
- Cell Phone and Email Mass Notification Message System (Policy 3-1057)
- Centres - Senate Policy Governing the Establishment, Reporting and Review of Institutes and Centres at Saint Mary's University (Policy 8-1009)
- CFI Research Projects - Procurement (Policy 4-1025)
- Chairs and Tables - Loan (Policy 3-1025)
- Cheque Requisition (Policy 4-2002)
- Children's Camps - Vulnerable Sector Checks (Policy 6-2015)
- Christmas Decorations - Holidays (Policy 3-1047)
- Classroom Research - Research Ethics Board (Policy 9-1003)
- Cleaning - Confidentiality in Office Cleaning and Moving Confidential Items (Policy 3-3023)
- Code of Conduct for Vendors of Crested Apparel and Crested Giftware (Policy 2-3002)
- University Code of Conduct (Policy 6-2027)
- Code of Student Conduct (Policy 8-1020)
- Commercial Advertising in Campus Facilities (Policy 3-1006)
- Communication Plan, Emergency Management Policy (5-1006)
- Conduct, Code of Student Conduct (Policy 8-1020)
- Confidential Staff
- Confidentiality - Office Cleaning and Moving Confidential Items (Policy 3-3023)
- Conflict of Interest
- Copying Request - Printing & Duplicating Services (Policy 2-4002)
- Courier Services
- Course Outlines - Senate Policy (Policy 8-1012)
- COVID-19 and Vaccination Requirements Policy (Policy 12-004)
- Credit Card - Travel (Policy 4-3006)
- Credit Card - P-Card (Policy 4-1021)
- Crested Apparel and Crested Giftware - Vendor Code of Conduct (Policy 2-3002)
- Curriculum Committee - Senate Policy on Submissions to Curriculum Committee (Policy 8-1013)
- Cut-Off and Pay Dates - Payroll (Policy 6-1001)
- Cut offs and Distribution Schedule - Budget (Policy 4-4002)
- Damaged Material/Returns (Policy 4-1017)
- Data Storage Guidelines - Research Ethics Board (Policy 9-1002)
- Decor Guidelines - Campus (Policy 3-5002)
- Dean Emeritus - Senate Policy (Policy 8-1002)
- Decorations (Policy 3-1047)
- Debt- Student Debt Policy (Policy 5-1010)
- Deferred Salary Leave Plan (Policy 6-2006)
- Degree- Awarding Posthumous (Policy 8-1018)
- Directed Study - Senate Policy on Special Topics and Directed Study (Reading) Classes (Policy 8-1014)
- Directories - Telephone Services (Policy 2-1004)
- Disclosure of Information - Procurement (Policy 4-1008)
- Disruptions of University Business - Academic Implications (Policy 8-1008)
- Distribution and Cut off Schedule - Budget (Policy 4-4002)
- Dogs on Campus -Domesticated Pets at the Workplace (Policy 3-1056)
- Donations; Prospect Clearance Policy (10-1001) NEW
- Drinking Water - Monitoring Campus Drinking Water (Policy 3-4028)
- Drug- Saint Mary's University Drug and Alcohol Policy (Policy 6-2017)
- Drug- Student Cannabis Policy (Policy 6-2018)
- EIT Policies
- Email, Cell Phone and Email Mass Notification Message System (Policy 3-1057)
- Policy 2-2006 Email Policy
- Emergency Management Policy and Communication Plan (Policy 5-1006)
- Emergency Travel/Medical Insurance (Policy 4-3008)
- Emeritus (Dean) - Senate Policy (Policy 8-1002)
- Emeritus (Professor) - Senate Policy (Policy 8-1001)
- Employee Benefits - Payroll (Policy 6-1002)
- Employees Purchases for Personal Use (Policy 4-1006)
- Employees Selling to the University (Policy 4-1005)
- Entertainment and Hospitality Expenses (Policy 4-3014)
- Environment - Scent Free (Policy 3-1048)
- Equipment - Surplus (Policy 4-1015)
- Establishing University Policies & Procedures (Policy 12-001)
- Establishment of Institutes and Centres - Senate Policy Governing the Establishment, Reporting and Review of Institutes and Centres (Policy 8-1009)
- Estimate Preparation for Major Capital Construction Projects (Policy 3-5006)
- Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans (Policy 9-1005)
- Ethical Practices (Policy 4-1007)
- Evaluation - Job Evaluation (Policy 6-2011)
- Evergreen (2-2005)
- Examinations - Printing & Duplicating Services (Policy 2-4003)
- Examinations - Senate (Policy 8-1016)
- Exceptions to Procurement Policy (Policy 4-1022)
- Expenditure Adjustments (Policy 4-2005)
- Expense Reporting and Reimbursement (Policy 4-3002)
- Extending Credit (Policy 4-5006)
- Facsimile (Fax) Charges (Policy 2-1008)
- Faculty - Visiting Scholars (Policy 1-1001)
- Financial Report Format (Policy 4-4003)
- Financial Reporting - Account Number Structure (FOAP) (Policy 4-4001)
- Financial Reporting - Cut offs and Distribution Schedule (Policy 4-4002)
- Fiscal Control of Major Capital Construction Projects (Policy 3-5007)
- Fiscal Year End (Policy 4-2006)
- Flags Policy (Policy 12-008)
- Flexible Workplace @ SMU Policy (Policy 6-2024)
- Floats (cash) Coin and Change (Policy 4-5003)
- Flyers - Posters (Policy 3-1033)
- FOAP - Account Number Listing (Policy 4-2007)
- FOAP - Account Number Structure (Policy 4-4001)
- Foreign Currency Reporting - Travel (Policy 4-3013)
- Frequent Flyer Programs - Travel (Policy 4-3010)
- Funding Carried Forward - Capital Purchases (Policy 4-2011)
- Funds - Use of NSERC and SSHRC General Research Funds (Policy 7-1005)
- Furniture - Surplus (Policy 4-1015)
- Furniture Purchases (Policy 4-1012)
- Gift Acceptance (Policy 11-1001)
- Gifts and Gratuities - Ethical Practices (Policy 4-1007)
- Giftware, Code of Conduct for Vendors of Crested Apparel and Giftware (Policy 2-3002)
- Graduate Academic Regulations
- Graduate Program Review -Senate Policy on the Review of Programs at Saint Mary's University (Policy 8-1015)
- Grants - Financial Services Reporting (Policy 7-1002)
- Grants - General (Policy 7-1001)
- Grants - Use of NSERC and SSHRC General Research Funds (Policy 7-1005)
- Gratuities - Ethical Practices (Policy 4-1007)
- Guest Lecturer Honoraria (Policy 6-1007)
- Harassment & Discrimination - Prevention and Resolution (Policy 6-2013) (Under Review)
- Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) (Policy 4-2008)
- Hazardous Materials (Policy 4-1016)
- Heat Stress Response Guidelines (Policy 3-1052)
- Holiday Decorations (Policy 3-1047)
- Honoraria - Guest Lecturer Payment (Policy 6-1007)
- Hospitality and Entertainment (Policy 4-3014)
- HST (Policy 4-2008)
- Humans: Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans (Policy 9-1005)
- Humidity and Temperature Control-Heat Stress Response Guidelines (Policy 3-1052)
- Imported Goods - Receiving Procedures (Policy 4-1019)
- Indoor Air Quality Concerns (Policy 3-4016)
- Ineligible Travel Expenses (Policy 4-3009)
- Information Services Desk (Policy 2-1001)
- Policy on Information Technology (Policy 2-2004)
- Institutes - Senate Policy Governing the Establishment, Reporting and Review of Institutes and Centres at Saint Mary's University (Policy 8-1009)
- Integrity, Senate (Policy 8-1007)
- Internal Mail (Policy 2-5002)
- International Courier Services - Outgoing (Policy 2-6003)
- International Travel Risk Management (Policy 4-3017)
- Inventory & Distribution
- Investigating Scholarly Misconduct - Procedures (Policy 8-1007)
- 4-7001 University Funds Investment Policy
- Invoice Payments (Policy 4-2002)
- Issuing Invoices and Extending Credit (Policy 4-5006)
- Job Evaluation Policies and Procedures (Policy 6-2011)
- Key and Access Card Control (Policy 3-1022)
- Leases, Evergreen (Policy 2-2005)
- Leave (from work)
- Lecturer - Guest Honoraria (Policy 6-1007)
- Legal Resources Policy (Policy 12-002)
- Letters - Suspicious Parcels, Letters or Bags (Policy 3-1050)
- Letters of Invitation - Visiting Scholars (Policy 1-1001)
- Liability Limitation - Courier Services (Policy 2-6005)
- Liquor - Policy Statement (Policy 5-1003)
- Loaning Tables and Chairs (Policy 3-1025)
- Lock Removal on Lockers (Policy 3-1026)
- Long Distance Calls - Telephone Services (Policy 2-1009)
- Lost or Damaged Personal Property (Policy 3-1055)
- Management of Space (Policy 3-5019)
- Mass Notification System, Cell Phone and Email (Policy 3-1057)
- Meal Subsidy - Athlete (Policy 4-3016)
- Meals and Accommodations - Travel (Policy 4-3004)
- Medical Insurance - Emergency Travel Insurance (Policy 4-3008)
- Monitoring Campus Drinking Water (Policy 3-4028)
- Moving Expenses - Travel (Policy 4-3007)
- Moving - Offices (Policy 3-1028)
- Moving Confidential Items - Confidentiality - Office Cleaning and Moving Confidential Items (Policy 3-3023)
- Naming Policy (Policy 11-1002)
- Nepotism (Policy 6-2002)
- Non-University Printing Jobs (Policy 2-4004)
- Occupational Health and Safety - Scent Free Environment (Policy 3-1048)
- Office Cleaning - Confidentiality - Office Cleaning and Moving Confidential Items (Policy 3-3023)
- Office Moves (Policy 3-1028)
- Outlines - Senate Policy on Course Outlines (Policy 8-1012)
- Pandemic Policy (Policy 5-1007)
- Parcels - Suspicious Parcels, Letters or Bags (Policy 3-1050)
- Parental / Pregnancy Leave (Policy 6-2012)
- Parking (Policy 3-1029)
- Part-time and Casual Employment - Payroll Procedures (Policy 6-1004)
- Patronage - Nepotism (Policy 6-2002)
- Pay Dates - Payroll (Policy 6-1001)
- Payment (Policy 6-1005)
- Payment Request Form (Policy 4-2002)
- Payroll
- Pedagogical Merit Review of Animal Use Protocols for Teaching and Training (Policy 8-1022)
- Personal
- Pets on Campus - Domesticated Pets at Workplace (Policy 3-1056)
- Petty Cash (Policy 4-5004)
- Photocopiers (Policy 2-4006)
- Photocopying Request - Printing & Duplicating Services (Policy 2-4002)
- Photocopier Supplies (Policy 4-6005)
- Policy on Establishing University Policies & Procedures (Policy 12-001)
- Political Activity - Financial Implications (Policy 5-1001)
- Post-doctoral fellows - Visiting Scholars (Policy 1-1001)
- Postal Services
- Posters - Campus Aesthetics (Policy 3-5002)
- Posthumous Degrees (Policy 8-1018)
- Pregnancy and Parental Leave Policy (Policy 6-2012)
- Prevention and Resolution of Harassment & Discrimination (Policy 6-2013)
- Printing and Duplicating Services
- Privacy Policy (Policy 12-003)
- Procurement
- Capital Purchases (Policy 4-1020)
- Conflict of Interest (Policy 4-1009)
- Disclosure of Information (Policy 4-1008)
- Ethical Practices (Policy 4-1007)
- Exceptions to Policy (Policy 4-1022)
- Furniture (Policy 4-1012)
- General Responsibilities and Limitations (Policy 4-1002)
- Hazardous Materials (Policy 4-1016)
- Limited Tender Justification (Policy 4-1026)
- Location and Hours (Policy 4-1001)
- Procurement Card (Policy 4-1021)
- Purchases for Employees Personal Use (Policy 4-1006)
- Purchases From Employees (Policy 4-1005)
- Purchases for Students (Policy 4-1004)
- Purchasing Thresholds (Policy 4-1027)
- Receiving Process (Policy 4-1018)
- Reciprocity (Policy 4-1010)
- Research Grants (Policy 4-1003)
- Returns/Damaged Material (Policy 4-1017)
- Sole Supplier Justification-CFI Research Projects (Policy 4-1025)
- Standard Purchase Requisition (Policy 4-1014)
- Standardization of Materials (Policy 4-1011)
- Surplus Furniture and Equipment (Policy 4-1015)
- Sustainable Procurement (Policy 4-1023)
- Procurement Card - P-Card (Policy 4-1021)
- Professional Staff
- Professor Emeritus - Senate Policy (Policy 8-1001)
- Senate Policy on Program Proposals (Policy 8-1025)
- Program Review-Senate Policy on the Review of Programs at Saint Mary's University (Policy 8-1015)
- Property- Lost or Damaged Personal Property (Policy 3-1055)
- Property - Protection of Property Act Notice - Issuance and Appeal Process (Policy 3-1059) NEW
- Prospect Clearance Policy (10-1001)
- Purchase(s)
- Purchasing Card (P-Card) (4-1021)
- Receipt of Cash & Security (Policy 4-5005)
- Receipt of Incoming Goods (Policy 4-6004)
- Receiving Procedures for Imported Goods (Policy 4-1019)
- Receiving Process (Policy 4-1018)
- Reciprocity (Policy 4-1010)
- Recording, Video Surveillance (Policy 3-1058)
- Records Management (Policy 12-015)
- Refund of Books - Bookstore (Policy 2-3001)
- Removal of Locks on Lockers (Policy 3-1026)
- Renewal-Capital, Submissions, Prioritization and Approval (Policy 3-5001)
- Repair - Telephone (Policy 2-1010)
- Reporting and Investigating Scholarly Misconduct - Procedures (Policy 8-1007)
- Reporting and Review of Institutes and Centres at Saint Mary's University - Senate Policy (Policy 8-1009)
- Requisition for Catering Services (Policy 4-2001)
- Requisition - Supplies (Policy 4-6002)
- Research
- Conflict of Interest (Policy 8-1004)
- Integrity in Research and Scholarship and Procedures for Reporting and Investigating Scholarly Misconduct (Policy 8-1007)
- Research Agreements Policy (Policy 7-1004)
- Research Funds - Use of NSERC and SSHRC General (Policy 7-1005)
- Research Grants - Procurement (Policy 4-1003)
- Research Grants/Special Projects - General (Policy 7-1001)
- Research in the Classroom Policy (Policy 9-1003)
- Research Projects - CFI - Procurement (Policy 4-1025)
- Researchers - Visiting Scholars (Policy 1-1001)
- Scientific Merit Review of Animal Use Protocols for Research, Testing and Monitoring (Policy 8-1023)
- Survey Policy (Policy 12-006)
- Research Ethics Board (REB)
- Respectful and Inclusive Workplace Policy (Policy 6-2026)
- Responsibilities and Limitations - Procurement (Policy 4-1002)
- Responsibility - Budget (Policy 4-2003)
- Return of Books - Bookstore (Policy 2-3001)
- Returns/Damaged Material (Policy 4-1017)
- Review of Programs at Saint Mary's University (Policy 8-1015)
- Risk Management, International Travel (Policy 4-3017)
- Sabbatical Leaves - Payroll (Policy 6-1006)
- Policy 12-009 Safe Disclosure Policy
- Sabbatical Leaves - Payroll (Policy 6-1006)
- Safety (Policy 6-2007)
- Safety- Heat Stress Guidelines (Policy 3-1052)
- Scent Free (Policy 3-1048)
- Scientific Merit Review of Animal Use Protocols for Research, Testing and Monitoring (Policy 8-1023)
- Salary Deferral Plan (Policy 6-2006)
- Scientific Merit Review of Animal Use Protocols for Research, Testing, and Monitoring (Policy 8-1023)
- Security of Cash in Departments with Authority to Receive Payments (Policy 4-5005)
- Senate Policies
- Senate Policy on the Creation of the Academic Calendar of Events (8-1024)
- 8-1019_Senate_AcademicForgiveness
- Academic Implications of Disruptions of University Business (Policy 8-1008)
- Awarding of Posthumous Degrees (Policy 8-1018)
- Code of Student Conduct (Policy 8-1020)
- Conflict of Interest in Research (Policy 8-1004)
- Course Outlines (Policy 8-1012)
- Dean Emeritus Policy(8-1002)
- Establishment, Reporting and Review of Institutes and Centres at Saint Mary's University (Policy 8-1009)
- Final Examinations (Policy 8-1016)
- Faculty Emeritus Policy (8-1001)
- Review of Programs at Saint Mary's University (Policy 8-1015)
- Senate Policy on Program Proposals (Policy 8-1025)
- Integrity (Policy 8-1007)
- Senate Bylaws (Policy 8-1017)
- Special Topics and Directed Study (Policy 8-1014)
- Curriculum Committee Submissions (Policy 8-1013)
- Timetable Regulations and Form (Policy 8-1005)
- Service Requests - Telephone (Policy 2-1003)
- Sexual Violence and Harassment Policy (Policy 6-2025)
- Sick Leave - Administrative, Professional, Confidential Staff (Policy 6-2010)
- Signage - Campus Aesthetics (Policy 3-5002)
- Policy 12-010 Signing Authority Policy
- Smoke Free Campus and Tobacco Use (Policy 6-2016)
- Smoking- Student Cannabis Policy (Policy 6-2018)
- Smudge and Pipe Protocols
- Social Media Policy (Policy 11-1003)
- Sole Supplier Justification - CFI Research Projects (Policy 4-1025)
- Space - Temporary Use of (Policy 5-1009)
- Space Management (Policy 3-5019)
- Special Projects - Financial Services Reporting (Policy 7-1002)
- Special Projects - General (Policy 7-1001)
- Special Topics and Directed Study (Policy 8-1014)
- Policy 12-011 Spending Authority Policy
- Spousal Travel (Policy 4-3011)
- Standard Purchase Requisition (Policy 4-1014)
- Standardization of Materials (Policy 4-1011)
- Student, Code of Student Conduct (Policy 8-1020)
- Student Debt Policy (Policy 5-1010)
- Student Purchases (Policy 4-1004)
- Policy 12-005 Student Records: Access & Confidentiality
- Substitutions - Capital Purchases (Policy 4-2012)
- Summer Camps - Vulnerable Sector Checks (Policy 6-2015)
- Supplies List (Policy 4-6003)
- Surplus Furniture and Equipment (Policy 4-1015)
- Surveillance, Video Recording (Policy 3-1058)
- Survey Policy (Policy 12-006)
- Suspicious Parcels, Letters or Bags - Policy to Handle (Policy 3-1050)
- Sustainable Procurement (Policy 4-1023)
- Switchboard (Policy 2-1001)
- T4 and T4A (Policy 6-1003)
- Tables and Chairs - Loan (Policy 3-1025)
- Tax Rebates - HST (Policy 4-2008)
- Telephone Services:
- Temporary Use of Space (Policy 5-1009)
- Temperature and Humidity Control: Heat Stress Response Guidelines (Policy 3-1052)
- Policy on Terms for Governors (Policy 12-007)
- Timetable Regulations and Form - Senate (Policy 8-1005)
- Tobacco-Smoke Free Campus and Tobacco Use (Policy 6-2016)
- Transportation (Policy 4-3003)
- Travel
- Advance Requests (Policy 4-3001)
- Athlete Meal Subsidy (Policy 4-3016)
- Credit Card (Policy 4-3006)
- Expense Reporting and Reimbursement (Policy 4-3002)
- Foreign Currency Reporting (Policy 4-3013)
- Frequent Flyer Program (Policy 4-3010)
- Hospitality and Entertainment (Policy 4-3014)
- Ineligible Expenses (Policy 4-3009)
- International Travel Risk Management (Policy 4-3017)
- Meals and Accommodations (Policy 4-3004)
- Medical Insurance (Policy 4-3008)
- Moving Expenses (Policy 4-3007)
- Spousal Travel (Policy 4-3011)
- Transportation (Policy 4-3003)
- Use of Personal Vehicle (Policy 4-3005)
- Use of Rental Vehicle (Policy 4-3012)
- Policy on Unscheduled Closure and/or Cancellation of Classes (Policy 5-1002)
- Undergraduate Academic Regulations
- University Code of Conduct (Policy 6-2027)
- University Funds Investment (Policy 4-7001)
- University Policy on Political Activity (Policy 5-1001)
- Use of Personal Vehicle - Travel (Policy 4-3005)
- Use of Rental Vehicle - Travel (Policy 4-3012)
- Vacation Leave - Administrative/Professional/Confidential (Policy 6-2009)
- Vaping-Smoke Free and Tobacco Use (Policy 6-2016)
- Vehicle- Personal Use (Policy 4-3005)
- Vehicle- Rental Car (Policy 4-3012)
- Vendor Payments (Policy 4-2002)
- Vendors of Crested Apparel and Crested Giftware - Code of Conduct (Policy 2-3002)
- Video Recording Surveillance (Policy 3-1058)
- Violence in the Workplace: Prevention and Response (Policy 6-2001)
- Visiting Scholars (Policy 1-1001)
- Vulnerable Sector Checks for Children's Camps (Policy 6-2015)
General Inquiries
University Security:
Emergencies: 902-420-5000
Non-emergency line: 902-420-5577
Cancellation/Closure Hotlines:
Students: 902-491-6263
Faculty & Staff: 902-491-6264
Go to the Campus Directory for faculty, staff and departments.