In Our Community

Events and Outreach

The CODCO comedy group with SMU professor Dr. Jennifer VanderBurgh during the Cyril J. Byrne Memorial Lecture in 2019

Members of the legendary CODCO comedy group revisited their best work as guest speakers for the 2019 Cyril J. Byrne Memorial Lecture. SMU professor Dr. Jennifer VanderBurgh (middle) moderated the multimedia discussion.

Saint Mary's Faculty of Arts is actively engaged with our community. Professors, staff and students take part in a wide variety of public events and outreach activities. See our latest news to find out how our professors are having an impact with community-engaged research. Our faculty members also share their expertise with teachers and classrooms across the province. 

Guest speaker / content specialist requests 

Professors in the Faculty of Arts have a range of expertise and many have expressed interest in working with Nova Scotia teachers and students. Faculty may volunteer to give guest lectures or workshops, and may provide consultation for teachers and/or students working on curriculum development and/or research. To request a lecture, workshop or consultation with a Saint Mary's Faculty of Arts specialist, please complete this Guest Speaker / Content Specialist Request Form.  

Demande d’un-e conférencier-ière invitée/spécialiste 

Les professeurs de la Faculté des arts possèdent une gamme d'expertises et plusieurs ont exprimé leur désire de travailler avec des enseignant-e-s et des élèves de la Nouvelle-Écosse. Des membres du corps professoral sont prêts à offrir gratuitement des conférences, des ateliers et des conseils aux enseignant-e-s et aux élèves pour les aider à atteindre les résultats d’apprentissage ou à travailler des projets de recherche. Pour faire demande d’une conférence, d’un atelier ou d’une consultation avec un spécialiste de la Faculté des arts de l’Université Saint Mary's, veuillez remplir le formulaire.

Public events and community initiatives

Throughout the year, members of the public are welcome to take part in lecture series, workshops, conferences and panel discussions. Keep an eye on our events page to see what’s coming up. Here are just a few examples:   

Our faculty members and students collaborate with community partners on these events and initiatives: 

  • Critical Indigenous, Race and Feminist Studies Student Conference; co-organized by the Racialized Students' Academic Network
  • Nova Scotia Archaeology Society Lecture Series
  • Nova Scotia Provincial Heritage Fair; in conjunction with School Boards/Regional Centres for Education across Nova Scotia; the Department of Labour and Advanced Education; and other cultural organizations such as the Nova Scotia Museum and Art Gallery of Nova Scotia
  • The annual conference of the Nova Scotia Social Studies Teachers Association (NSSSTA)
Contact us
Faculty of Arts
Mailing address:
Saint Mary’s University
923 Robie Street
Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3H 3C3

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