Chemistry Academic Advising

Our Science Advising Centre has a variety of academic program advisors who can help answer questions about courses, research interests, or other aspects of your degree.  The Centre's mandate is to help you, the student, make informed decisions about which courses to take and how to sequence your courses.  The Centre is ready and available to help you achieve your educational goals. To meet with a program advisor visit The Science Advising Centre

Have more questions about Chemistry courses, research interests, or further opportunities? A number of our Chemistry Faculty members are also willing to meet and help explore your interests.  These faculty members are:

Dr. Jason Masuda;  Research interests: Inorganic Chemistry

Dr. Mary Sheppard; First year Chemistry

Dr. Robert Singer; Research interests: Organic Chemistry; New Methodologies in Synthesis

Dr. Clarissa Sit; Research interests: Organic Chemistry; Biochemistry

Dr. Danielle Tokarz; Research interests: Physical/Analytical Chemistry

Dr. Kai Ylijoki; Research interests: Organic Chemistry

Contact us
Faculty of Science
Department of Chemistry
Mailing address:
923 Robie Street
Halifax, Nova Scotia
B3H 3C3, Canada

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