
The Department of Chemistry offers a BSc Major program and a BSc Honours program, both of which are nationally accredited by the Canadian Society for Chemistry (CSC).

More information about all chemistry programs, including lists of required courses and course descriptions, can be found in the Academic Calendar.

Bachelor of Science with Major in Chemistry

This degree program requires that students complete a minimum of forty-five (45) credit hours in chemistry courses. Major graduates emerge equipped to either continue their education or contribute to the scientific work force, whether in research, education, government, or industry.

Review the chemistry major program requirement table for a list of all courses required for the BSc Major in Chemistry, including credits in other subject areas.

Bachelor of Science with Honours in Chemistry

This degree program requires that students complete a minimum of sixty (60) credit hours in chemistry courses, including an honours thesis research project. Honours graduates are well prepared to continue their education at the graduate level in related fields of study or contribute to the scientific work force

Minor in Chemistry

A Minor in Chemistry requires the completion of a minimum of thirty (30) credit hours in chemistry courses from a specified course list

Plan your BSc in Chemistry

The Faculty of Science has developed several tools to help science students understand course prerequisites and choose courses:

Contact us
Faculty of Science
Department of Chemistry
Mailing address:
923 Robie Street
Halifax, Nova Scotia
B3H 3C3, Canada

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