Faculty and Staff

John C. O'.C. Young

Professor Emeritus
Phone: 902.420.5657 or 902.423.1722
Office: Science S209
Email: john.young@smu.ca

B.Sc., Ph.D. (Imperial College, University of London)
M.B.A. (New York University) 


(1953) Associate, City and Guilds Institute; (1956) Diplomate, Imperial College of Science and Technology; (1965) New York University Alumni Prize for Academic Achievement; (1971) Member, Beta Gamma Sigma; (1973) Associate Membership, SMU’s Alumni Association; (1975) Professional Engineer, (P.Eng., APENS); (1986) Reverend William A. Stewart, S .J., Gold Medal for Teaching Excellence; (1990) Honorary Gold “M” Award of SMU’s  University Student Association; (1990) Atlantic Provinces Council on the Sciences (APICS) / Northern Telecom Science Teaching Award; (1990) 3M National Teaching Fellowship, The Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (STLHE) / 3M Canada Incorporated; (1990) Life Member, Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (STLHE); (1991) Fellowship, Royal Society for the Arts (FRSA), London, UK; (1992) Association of Atlantic Universities (AAU) Inaugural Instructional Leadership Award; (1995) SMU President’s Award for Excellence in Research; (1995) Professor Emeritus, SMU’s Faculty of Science; (2002) SMU Alumni Association’s Distinguished Community Service Award; (2003) Life Member, Council of 3M Fellows; (2012) “2012 Science Champion” Nova Scotia Discovery Centre


After a fifteen year stint as a Senior Research Engineer with the Esso Research and Engineering Company in the United States, Dr. Young joined the Faculty of SMU’s Chemistry Department as an Associate Professor in 1970, was promoted to the rank of Full Professor in 1980 and was made a Professor Emeritus upon his retirement in 1995. Dr. Young specialized in teaching environmental, inorganic and physical chemistry courses and in laboratory computerization.


Administrative capacities in which Dr. Young served include Acting University Vice-President, Academic and Research, Acting Dean of Graduate Studies and Research, and Chairperson of SMU’s Research Ethics Board. He also served as Secretary to the University’s Board of Governors and as a member of its Executive and Finance Committees.


Between 1970 and 2008, Dr. Young’s “Advanced Fluids Research Group” carried out a series of contract research projects for provincial, national and international government agencies and private corporations in areas of aquaculture, solar energy and large scale energy storage and delivery systems.  The last of these activities led to the patenting and commercialization of novel chemical additives to increase the delivery of liquids through pipelines and to improve the efficiency of chilled water storage in district cooling systems.  More recently, Dr. Young has been involved in an evaluation of several novel commercial analytical chemistry instruments.

Recent Publications:

2024 "An Enhance Colorimetric Integrated Rate Procedure for Determining Kinetic Reaction Order Values" (refereed article). Published in Chem. Educator 2024 29 88-92. Author: John C. O'C. Young

2024 "Chemistry and the Calculus" (refereed article). Author: John C. O'C. Young. Published in Chem. Educator, 2024, 29, 37-42

2023 "Initial Rate Determination of the Crystal Violet - Hydroxyl Ion Reaction" (refereed article). Author: John C.O'C. Young. Published in Chem. Educator, 2023, 28, 105-110

2023  "Reaction Kinetics with Flowthrough Colorimetry" (refereed article). Author: John C. O'C. Young. Published in Chem. Educator, 2023, 28, 60-64

2023  "A Kinetic Non-Flooded Initial Reaction Rate Procedure for Determining Reactant Order Values" (refereed article). Author: John C. O'C. Young. Published in Chem. Educator, 2023, 28m,15-28

2020   "An Acid Dosage Optimization Study of the Demineralization of Crab Shells". Authors: Bradley H. C. Greene, Jason A. C. Clyburne and John C. O'C. YoungPublished in Acedemia.edu, 2020.25, 1-25

2019   “Colorimetric Analysis of Household Products,” (refereed article) Young, John C. O’C., Chem. Educator, 2019, 24, 52-55

2019   “A Colorimetric Approach to Hypochlorite Bleach Analysis,” (refereed article), Young, John C. O’C., Chem. Educator, 2019, 24, 1-5

2018   “A Colorimetric Approach to Vitamin C Analysis,” (refereed article), Young, John C. O’C., Chem. Educator, 2018, 23, 96-98

2018   “Conductometric Versus Potentiometric Autotitration,” (refereed article), John C. O’C. Young, Chem. Educator, 2018, 23, 1-10

2017   “Modelling the Kinetics of Crab Shell Demineralization,” (sessional article), Bradley H. C. Greene, Jason A. C. Clyburne and John C. O’C. Young*, Academia.edu, May 1, 2017, 1-36

2017   “Autotitration Titration Equivalence Point Detection Kinetics,” (refereed article), John C. O’C. Young, Chem. Educator, 2017, 22, 39-46

2016   “Autotitrator Titrant Dispenser Hydrodynamics,” (refereed article) , John C. O’C. Young, Chem. Educator, 2016, 21, 205-211

2016   “Coffee Cup Calorimeter Heat Loss Correction”, (refereed article), John C. O’C. Young, Chem. Educator 2016, 21, 53-62.

2015   “Lactic Acid Demineralization of Green Crab (carcinus maenas) Shells: Effects of Reaction Conditions and Isolation of an Unusual Calcium Complex,” (refereed article),  Bradley  H. C., Greene, Katherine N. Robertson, John C. O’C. Young and Jason A. C. Clyburne.  Green Chemistry Letters and Reviews, 2015, 9(1), 1-11.

2015   “A Gaussian Accommodation of Beer’s Law Deviations”, (refereed article), John C. O’C. Young, Chem. Educator, 2015, 20, 206-213.

2013   “True Melting Point Determination”, (refereed article), John C. O’C. Young, Chem. Educator 2013, 18, 203-208.

2013   “Optical Rotation Measurement with a Novel Polarimeter”, (refereed article), John C. O’C. Young, Chem. Educator, 2013, 18, 88-95.      

2012   “Computerized Chemistry in an Undergraduate University”, (invited article), John C. O’C. Young, Southwestern Educational Hub, Kathmandu, Nepal, 4, August,  2012.

Contact us
Faculty of Science
Department of Chemistry
Mailing address:
923 Robie Street
Halifax, Nova Scotia
B3H 3C3, Canada

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