Certificate in Managing Conflict

Conflict is something everyone avoids, but avoidance does not help. The best solution is to develop skills and knowledge so that you can approach conflict with confidence.  The Certificate in Managing Conflict is a natural fit, a three seminar certificate consisting of one required and two electives from a choice of three offerings.

The Foundations seminar focuses on your individual attitudes and approaches to conflict resolution with a large focus on effective communication skills. You will explore key strategies, concepts and methods used to address and resolve conflict effectively. This will minimize the impacts on situations, on yourself and others, and contribute to more healthy personal and work relationships. 

The remaining three elective seminars allow you to pick your area of focus. Workplace conflict has common elements and in this seminar you’ll work through everything from conflict coaching to the impact of technology and conflict resolution. Rounding out our options are hands-on seminars that will focus in the area of Negotiation and Third Party Neutral skills and strategies. The options allow you to pick and choose based on the experience you have already and the needs of your organization and the roles you’re likely to play in addressing conflict.  

These seminars will have a large element of practice, application and feedback using role plays, exercises and simulations.  

Certificate Requirements

Participants must complete Foundations of Conflict Resolution first, plus two electives within a two-year period. Seminars can be taken individually.

Certificate - 3 Seminars

 Certificate in Managing Conflict Printable Information Sheet

Certificate in Managing Conflict Printable Info Sheet Fall 2025

Fee: $2,625
Facilitators: Patrick Aylward, BA, LLB, CCRS, CPSL, Wendy R. Carroll, PhD Man., CPHR, and Michael E. Petitpas, BEd, CRCert Location: Online (Each course is 3 partial days, 9 am - 1 pm, Atlantic Time. See dates below.)


Required Seminar

Foundations of Conflict Resolution – Powerful and practical approach to dealing with conflicts effectively 

  • November 24-26, 2025  (Online)
  • March 23-25, 2026 (Online)

Choose Two Elective Seminars

  Managing and Resolving Conflict in the Workplace –  Learn practical tools to respond effectively when conflict arises in your workplace.

  • April 15 - 17, 2025 (Online)
  • January 14 - 16, 2026 (Online)
  • May 20 - 22, 2026 (Online) 

  Negotiation and Dispute Resolution - Get hands-on opportunities to negotiate, mediate and/or litigate

  • May 26 - 28, 2025 (Online)
  • February 18 - 20, 2026 (Online)
  • June 15 - 17, 2026 (Online)

  Third Party Neutral - Facilitating a Collaborative Discussion - Understand how you prepare, convene and support parties in conflict 

  • May 5 - 7, 2025 (Online)
  • May 11 - 13, 2026 (Online)