How to Enter

How to Apply - Submission Guidelines

Every year, the Faculty of Science invites members of the Saint Mary's community to submit photographs to the Science Photo Contest.

Photographers are intended to showcase the diversity of scientific activity at Saint Mary's (and among our alumni) and should illustrate one of the following: Science at Work, Nature/Natural or Scientific Visualization.

ELIGIBILITY: The contest is open to all students, staff, faculty, and alumni of Saint Mary's University.

DEADLINE: Monday, November 4, 2024 at 5:00 pm

NUMBER OF ENTRIES: Participants may submit a maximum of 3 original photographs.


  • Science at Work: Images that demonstrate participation in science, including lab, classroom, and field work
  • Nature/Natural: Images of everyday situations or natural environments that demonstrate a scientific concept or subject. Any spontaneous event is considered natural.
  • Scientific Visualization: Images that demonstrate a particular scientific concept or related set of concepts, including computer- or microscope-generated images

RESOLUTION: All entries must be a minimum of 300 dpi.

Please review the full submission guidelines before filling out your submission form


Contact us
Faculty of Science
Mailing address:
Saint Mary's University
923 Robie Street
Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3H 3C3

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