Academic Reboot

Building Skills for Success

Academic Reboot: Building Skills for Success

We all experience setbacks from time to time. We are here to help! If you are on probation or facing academic suspension, Academic Reboot may be right for you.  This academic recovery program is for undergraduate students who have experienced academic difficulties and who want to improve their skills to boost their academic performance.


How will Academic Reboot benefit me?  

  • Gain valuable skills, strategies, and habits to help improve your learning
  • Build your confidence and sense of purpose in the classroom
  • Create a personalized plan for academic success 
  • Meet with our team of learning and success specialists who can work with you on areas you need support 


What will I learn?

Learn and apply skills and strategies in:

  • Time management
  • Notetaking and listening
  • Studying and exam writing
  • Motivation and focus
  • Academic writing
  • Managing stress and mental health
  • Connecting with resources and supports
  • and more!


How can I participate? 

Academic Reboot is a two-part program: 

  • Online: Complete online modules at your own pace in Brightspace over the summer to learn skills and strategies for your success (approx. 10-15 hours in total). 

  • On-Campus: Join us for a one-day intensive on Saturday, September 7th to apply everything you’ve learned and get ready for the Fall term. 

As a participant in Academic Reboot you will have ongoing support through one-on-one coaching and check-ins throughout the Fall 2024 term.  

Registration is now closed, for assistance contact for more information.