Workforce Survey

Employment Equity Workforce Survey

Why does Saint Mary's University conduct an Employment Equity Workforce Survey?

Saint Mary’s University conducts an Employment Equity Workforce Survey  to determine the representation of:

  • indigenous persons,
  • persons with disabilities,
  • members of visible minorities and
  • women

in the University workforce. Every three years a University wide survey is conducted. At the time of hiring new employees are given the opportunity to complete an equity survey. 

Who will be surveyed?

All full-time and regular part-time employees, including part-time faculty, will be surveyed. New employees will be surveyed as they are hired in order to maintain current data.

What questions will be asked?

The confidential survey asks employees to self-identify their status. You will be asked your gender, as well as whether you consider yourself to be a member of a designated group. You may belong to more than one designated group (e.g. a member of a visible minority with a disability).

What will be done with this information?

The information received from responses to the survey will be retained for statistical purposes and reports related to employment equity. This data is compared to the external labour force to show the distribution of the designated groups by occupational group and by geographical area (Canada, Nova Scotia, metropolitan area). In comparing data we will take into account availability in the geographical area from which employees are recruited.

Access to data about individuals will be strictly limited to Human Resources.  Data will not be put into employees’ file. Its confidentiality is protected.

If the survey is confidential why is my A# on the form?

The responses you provide on this survey will be retained for statistical purposes and its confidentiality is protected, but not anonymous.

To monitor progress, we must be able to track hires, promotions or departures of designated group members. We encourage you to review, update and correct information about yourself at any time and you can be assured that it will not be used for unauthorized purposes.

Does the Nova Scotia Human Rights Act permit this survey?

Yes. The University is allowed to collect this information for employment equity purposes under the Nova Scotia Human Rights Act and the survey has been reviewed at the Nova Scotia Human Rights Commission. Under the Nova Scotia Human Rights Act these questions can be asked for the purposes of a special program such as employment equity. This information must be collected by asking employees themselves, not by asking other persons.

Do I have to participate?

Your responses to the self-identification survey is voluntary. It is however mandatory to return the survey to Deborah Brothers-Scott  with your A#, even if you choose not to fill out any information. Although completing the survey is voluntary, it is the only way we can obtain accurate information about the representation of designated groups. By responding to the survey you will help ensure the representation data is accurate.

The greater the number of responses to the survey, the more accurate will be the data on the representation of designated groups in the University’s work force.

Where can I get more information?

For more information or to receive the survey in another format please contact:

Deborah Brothers-Scott
Director, Diversity Inclusion & Wellness
McNally South 129
Ph:(902) 496-8265
Fax: (902) 496-8116
Contact:  Deborah Brothers-Scott

All inquiries will be held in confidence. 

Contact us
Human Resources
(902) 496-8116
Mailing address:
Saint Mary's University
McNally South 111
923 Robie Street
Halifax NS B3H 3C3