Faculty Employment Opportunities

Additional Job Postings
Department of Criminology - Assistant Professor, Tenure Track Position
Description: The Department of Criminology at Saint Mary’s University invites applications for a tenure-track position at the rank of Assistant Professor to begin on July 1, 2024. The Department seeks candidates who demonstrate skills in quantitative approaches to the study of criminology, the sociology of crime/deviance, or closely related topics (e.g., victims/offenders, human rights, legal studies, surveillance, governability, abolitionism).
Affiliation: SMUFU, Rank of Assistant Professor
Full description: Crim_AssistantProfessor_JobAd_Nov2023
Department of Criminology - Assistant or Associate Professor, Tenure-Track
Description: The Department of Criminology invites applications for an Assistant or Associate Professor with a start date to be negotiated with the successful candidate. We seek a critically engaged scholar, practitioner, educator, or researcher who self-identifies as Black or Indigenous.
Affiliation: SMUFU - Rank of Assistant or Associate Professor
Full description: 2024 Crim Job Ad TT